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Increased group sizes

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  • Increased group sizes

    Hi, did a search for this and all I could find was a posting from like 2021. Are there any plans to increase the number of devices that can be grouped together?

    I am currently using all 4 slots for my normal group of devices: an Xbox Elite controller, an Azeron gamepad, my keyboard, and a Logitech G600 and G13. Luckily (for me at least), both my Logitech G600 and G13 seem to use the same device ID for their programmable buttons, which let's me use ReWASD to configure all of those devices as a single group. However, I was thinking of getting an Azeron Cyro soon, which would mean I would have to give up one device.

    Is it possible to make it so that ReWASD could have 6 or 8 or even more devices per group?

    I know the whole mess with games banning ReWASD due to players using it for cheating is probably taking priority over other stuff, but thanks for any info.

  • #2
    Actually, never thought about adding more slots to the group.
    But your request has been taken into account, and perhaps this will be added in the future.​


    • #3
      Personally, I don't see any practical situations where I'd need 6 or more devices in the common group. The main sense of a group of devices is to assemble several devices into one group and apply the virtual controller to this group.

      How in the games should it be useful to play on 6 or more devices simultaneously? I can imagine the case when I use two controllers or KBM and controller, but no more

      I would appreciate it if you could describe your idea in more detail and how it should work in practice.


      • #4
        Originally Posted by Miron4ik42 View Post
        I would appreciate it if you could describe your idea in more detail and how it should work in practice.
        So, here's how I currently have my devices setup:

        My Azeron, keyboard, and G600 mouse all typically get used in most games I play, unless a game is almost entirely controller-based.

        My controller is mostly separate, except in a few games I play: Final Fantasy 14, and Monster Hunter World/Rise. In these games, I sometimes like using kbm, and sometimes a controller. It's nice having the controller in the same group as the other devices, so everything can all change at the same time.

        I use my G13 along with Autohotkey scripts to provide various controls for both Windows and in-game. ReWASD detects both the G13 keys as well as the G600 keys as the same device. This means there is normally not a problem, since this means I have "4" devices in ReWASD, even if there are 5 physical devices being used.

        However, if I switch out the G600 for an Azeron Cyro mouse, then that will mean the G13 device has to remain in the group, and I'd need a 5th spot to add the Cyro.

        I could very well be misunderstanding what the groups are used for, and if I don't actually need to have all of those devices grouped together to make them all switch to the correct profile when a game is detected, that might also solve my issues.


        • #5
          Hey there!

          As we mentioned, the primary purpose of the device group is to combine multiple devices into one and receive correct, non-interfering simultaneous input.

          It is not necessary to add devices to a group if you do not want to turn them into one virtual device (for example, if you are remapping a keyboard and mouse, you need to group them to use them as a single virtual controller).

          You can also apply configs to multiple controllers without adding them to a group, and it will work correctly.

          Thank you for your understanding.​


          • #6

            Please provide me with the user case where 4 devices in the group are not enough, and you extremely need 8 devices or more. I still don't understand the sense of this request.


            • #7
              Originally Posted by Miron4ik42 View Post
              Please provide me with the user case where 4 devices in the group are not enough, and you extremely need 8 devices or more. I still don't understand the sense of this request.
              Having just had to do a fresh install of Windows, and trying to get my ReWASD profiles back in order, I found another reason for increased group sizes.

              While having each device ungrouped seems to work in most cases, the current setup of how ReWASD switches profiles makes it extremely tedious to configure multiple devices simultaneously while ungrouped. For example, if I want to swap commands from two devices, and they are ungrouped, I have to do the following:

              1. Activate Device A. Wait for a delay.
              2. Choose whatever profile I'm editing. Wait for another delay.
              3. Copy command from Device A.
              4. Activate Device B. Wait for a delay.
              5. Choose whatever profile I'm editing. Wait for a delay.
              6. Paste command to device B.

              If I don't already know which command I'm swapping on Device B, so that I can edit Device A after I have copied the command from there, then I also have to reactivate Device A, choose the profile a third time, and edit in the swapped command, which means more delays and clicks.

              Every single time I want to make a change to a different device, there are multiple delays that you have to wait for. Comparatively, if everything is in a single group:

              1. Activate Group A. Wait for a delay.
              2. Choose whatever profile I'm editing. Wait for a delay.
              3. Do all edits to all devices in the group. Profile stays active the entire time, all devices in the group can be swapped through quickly and easily as sub-configs, no extra delays.

              This might not sound hugely different, but all those extra delays add up massively. When I sometimes make edits back and forth between 2-3 devices to get things how I like them, it was extremely frustrating. I made it through trying to do a single game profile like that, before giving up and just grouping everything together again.

              This would not be nearly as much of an issue if ReWASD kept a given game profile active between choosing different devices. But the extra 3-4 seconds and multiple extra clicks really start to add up, especially when working with numerous devices like I do.

