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reWASD Response Graph - Slow down Stick Movement

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  • reWASD Response Graph - Slow down Stick Movement

    I am trying to understand the Stick response settings in advance settings for reWASD. I assume this is a setting for X and Y Movement, but whats unclear is how it affects stick movement in that, if i use a custom setting with 4 points, points closer to a bottom will affect movement on which axis?

    I am looking to Slow my aiming stick (Right Joystick) when it is gently pressed, but have fast response when i fully deflect the stick. can i get a look at how that response Graph would look?

    I wish there was a better explainer for some of these functions, the Online guide seems rather Brief most times.

    thanks in advance

  • #2
    When you are adjusting a custom curve, you can click on the settings icon, and "Precise adjustment" will open.
    There you will see how point shifts affect the X and Y axes.

    You can read more about Advanced Stick settings in this article.


    • #3
      Originally Posted by strokel View Post
      When you are adjusting a custom curve, you can click on the settings icon, and "Precise adjustment" will open.
      There you will see how point shifts affect the X and Y axes.

      You can read more about Advanced Stick settings in this article.
      i already read that link you sent, before posting the question in here. i would like to get an explanation on how that works. i feel like the Advance Stick Section on the online guide isnt very clear.

      Which Way do you drag the Dots on the Curve to slow the Right Stick down until Full Deflection? that was my original question. if you could show me a picture of the Response Curve that indicates the right stick has been adjusted for slower movement, that would be helpful.

      I've figured everything out on my own and my settings are working great, i just dont seem to get the response graph and how it works.

      thanks for your response!!


      • #4
        X-axis of the graph is the actual deflection of the physical stick. Y-axis - is the resulting deflection.
        If you want you stick to be less sensitive at the start but still be able to reach maximum deflection, you should use a Curve similar to this one:

        Click image for larger version

Name:	Untitled.png
Views:	873
Size:	6.0 KB
ID:	235503


        • #5
          Originally Posted by Shion View Post
          X-axis of the graph is the actual deflection of the physical stick. Y-axis - is the resulting deflection.
          If you want you stick to be less sensitive at the start but still be able to reach maximum deflection, you should use a Curve similar to this one:

          Click image for larger version

Name:	Untitled.png
Views:	873
Size:	6.0 KB
ID:	235503
          thank you for explaining, i appreciate it very much!!


          • #6
            thanks, now i understand it

