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Grab your Christmas gift — reWASD 5.6.1!

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  • Grab your Christmas gift — reWASD 5.6.1!

    Merry Christmas! In order to show all the love to our amazing customers — to you — we are happy to introduce the new reWASD version as a gift from the team

    Let’s check which things you will be able to do here:
    • Use Gyro & Accelerometer with Virtual DS4
    Remap your Steam or Nintendo controller to the virtual DS4 and get the native Gyroscope and Accelerometer working! Now you will be able to use those gamepads with PS Now without any limitations. Or you can try it directly on the PS4 console with our External virtual controller introduced in the previous release. In case you haven’t checked it yet, please visit the help guide to get more details about how to use it with Bluetooth or GIMX.
    • Remap all controls of Azeron keypad
    reWASD supports different gamepads, keyboards and mice, but for the first time, we have an unusual mix of all three inputs — Azeron. It is a keypad with a stick, and it is great to use it instead of the keyboard. It is a good idea to group it with a mouse and remap to the virtual controller to get a completely new gaming experience.
    • Add Combos to diagonal directions of sticks and trackpads
    More powers for the new controls we have added in the previous release
    • Copy/Paste all settings of the physical mouse
    … to make a new config for a physical mouse easier!

    And here is the list of fixes:
    • Fixed: Mouse Acceleration option influences the scroll speed for the scroll mapped to digital buttons
    • Fixed: Custom gamepad name is not saved if the gamepad is added to any group
    • Fixed: Boot loop may occur after getting the Bluetooth adapter ready for the External virtual gamepad
    • Fixed: Home button cannot be used for Slots switching on DS4 and DualSense
    • Fixed: Steam controller’s calibration is hidden until a user opens any other config if Mouse was chosen as a current device before Steam
    • Fixed: Random tray agent crash on waking from Hybrid Sleep
    • Fixed: Hold until release combo with analog movements mapped to Single Press leads to the stuck stick after a few presses if there are mappings on other activators

  • #2
    Azeron support is amazing, thank you!

    One thing though, Azeron has the option for changing the angle and the range of the stick and while reWASD takes that into account, it takes that info from the first on-board memory profile of Azeron, so you need to set your settings in that exact profile in order for them to be carried over to reWASD. You should mention that on this exclusive mode info screen just to be clear.

    Also I want to say that your software is just so good that it is almost ridiculous, it combines all the best features I've ever seen in various devices' control panels and adds even more on top. I have no idea why I found it only now but I am so glad that I did.


    • #3
      Hello Thorstel !

      Thanks for the feedback

      reWASD has a big potential with stick settings, so we hope you could try Advanced section to adjust stick as you want it to be. In exclusive mode, reWASD ignores the settings from the native app, but you are right, those ones saved to on-board memory will be transferred. We will mention this thing in our guides.


      • #4
        Originally Posted by reWASDer View Post
        Hello Thorstel !

        Thanks for the feedback

        reWASD has a big potential with stick settings, so we hope you could try Advanced section to adjust stick as you want it to be. In exclusive mode, reWASD ignores the settings from the native app, but you are right, those ones saved to on-board memory will be transferred. We will mention this thing in our guides.
        I am aware of the joystick options but I didn't find any option to change the angle of the stick (rotate it). Azeron has that because joystick placement is unusual so the forward position is going to a bit different for everyone. For example if I push the joystick forward in the position that I use the keypad my character is going slightly to the left, so I set Azeron's angle option to 28 to correct that.


        • #5
          We are planning to add Stick rotation in one of the next versions by the way. Still, it is good if you found your perfect workaround right now


          • #6
            Originally Posted by reWASDer View Post
            We are planning to add Stick rotation in one of the next versions by the way. Still, it is good if you found your perfect workaround right now
            That's good to hear, I really like how you are updating the software, it makes very good impression. Especially compared to other emulation software that are typically too basic and not updated anymore.

            I will make a separate post with suggestions later, but one thing that is certainly missing is stick visualization. I am using Gamepad Tester - Check Controllers and Joysticks Online ( but it would be great to have that natively within the software, it makes understanding different options much easier if you can see in real time how they affect stick's behavior, especially custom curves.

            Also if you are looking to add support for more unusual devices like Azeron then you could look at Wooting keyboards. Exclusive mode for Wooting keyboards similar to one you made for Azeron would be great since for some reason they seem to have priority over other XInput devices and some games like From Software games are defaulting to them even if XInput is disabled in keyboard's control panel and the device disabled in device manager, so enabling Wooting's XInput it for reWASD to see it and then merging with other devices is the only way to fix that and I've found at least one game that has a problem even then.

            Asking for support for things like Swiftpoint Z is probably not reasonable since you probably won't be able to transport a lot of it's advanced functionality and it would still need native software, but it would be great to add the ability to customize the mouse picture that you have in reWASD right now, like adding your custom buttons to the visualization and so on, just for a basic rebinding without the need for using native software every time. I am mentioning that because the way that you implemented Azeron rebinding with full visualization of the device and with rebinding menu popping up for the key that you press so you don't even have to click anything with a mouse is just brilliant. This is literally better than any native software as far as basic rebinding goes.


            • #7
              Thanks for your suggestions!

              We have planned to add visualization for testing purposes, but I am not sure if this functionality appear in reWASD soon, we have a way too big to-do list

              Azeron was our first mixed device, we will take a look at other ones too.

              Azeron works as a controller, it has separate controller buttons to remap. Mice works differently: mouse has 5 buttons only, and other keys may are "linked" to the keyboard that a mouse has inside. You can set any mappings for the complex mice in Additional mouse buttons section, but there is no easy way to make a visualization and let you remap a mouse other way. Once you open Additional mouse buttons section, you can press "Add" button and then click a button on the mouse — it will be hooked, and you won't need to scroll the list.


              • #8
                Originally Posted by reWASDer View Post
                Merry Christmas! In order to show all the love to our amazing customers — to you — we are happy to introduce the new reWASD version as a gift from the team

                Let’s check which things you will be able to do here:
                • Use Gyro & Accelerometer with Virtual DS4
                Remap your Steam or Nintendo controller to the virtual DS4 and get the native Gyroscope and Accelerometer working! Now you will be able to use those gamepads with PS Now without any limitations. Or you can try it directly on the PS4 console with our External virtual controller introduced in the previous release. In case you haven’t checked it yet, please visit the help guide to get more details about how to use it with Bluetooth or GIMX.
                • Remap all controls of Azeron keypad
                reWASD supports different gamepads, keyboards and mice, but for the first time, we have an unusual mix of all three inputs — Azeron. It is a keypad with a stick, and it is great to use it instead of the keyboard. It is a good idea to group it with a mouse and remap to the virtual controller to get a completely new gaming experience.
                • Add Combos to diagonal directions of sticks and trackpads
                More powers for the new controls we have added in the previous release
                • Copy/Paste all settings of the physical mouse
                … to make a new config for a physical mouse easier!

                And here is the list of fixes:
                • Fixed: Mouse Acceleration option influences the scroll speed for the scroll mapped to digital buttons
                • Fixed: Custom gamepad name is not saved if the gamepad is added to any group
                • Fixed: Boot loop may occur after getting the Bluetooth adapter ready for the External virtual gamepad
                • Fixed: Home button cannot be used for Slots switching on DS4 and DualSense
                • Fixed: Steam controller’s calibration is hidden until a user opens any other config if Mouse was chosen as a current device before Steam
                • Fixed: Random tray agent crash on waking from Hybrid Sleep
                • Fixed: Hold until release combo with analog movements mapped to Single Press leads to the stuck stick after a few presses if there are mappings on other activators
                Thank you! Working great


                • #9
                  Yay, thanks for the feedback!


                  • #10
                    Originally Posted by reWASDer View Post
                    We are planning to add Stick rotation in one of the next versions by the way.
                    That's excellent news and answers one question I had. The other one I couldn't find an answer for is regards the switched dual profile mode on the Azeron, is this something that might be possible to use in reWASD later, or if it already is, how? :-) Cheers


                    • #11
                      Hello Jaknet13

                      What do you mean by dual profile? You want to change layouts withing single config?
                      Don't worry! Be Happy!


                      • #12
                        Hello@star-Lord and I hope this makes sense.

                        The Azeron has a button that does nothing other than swap between the 2 onboard profiles, and I was just wondering if that could be used to swap while using reWASD, as it saves using one of the assignable keys and it gives a visual indication, with the leds, which of the 2 profiles you're currently on.

                        Just I've no idea if this switch is something that reWASD might be able to detect or not?


                        • #13

                          reWASD does not work this button, but, in case your gameplay requires different layout to use, you may:

                          — Use Slots feature — In case you need to create a shortcut (2 or more buttons pressed simultaneously) to switch slot with different config.

                          — Shift mode feature — Ability to create a different layout with different bindings in the same config. Shift modifier changes layouts (main ⇾ shift ⇾ main).

                          You're right, using the mechanical button to change profiles very convenient (I like Xbox Elite 1 slider, that change 1 - 2 profiles), so, will add similar option for Azeron device as well, one of the next releases.
                          Don't worry! Be Happy!


                          • #14
                            Hello again

                            Yep, I'm well aware of the slots and shift features, cheers indeed for the info and links in case I wasn't.

                            Originally Posted by Star-Lord View Post
                            You're right, using the mechanical button to change profiles very convenient (I like Xbox Elite 1 slider, that change 1 - 2 profiles), so, will add similar option for Azeron device as well, one of the next releases.
                            That will be amazing indeed.


                            • #15

                              We will try our best.
                              Don't worry! Be Happy!

