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๐Ÿš€๐ŸŽฎ Welcome to reWASD 7.0: Discover the Radial Menu feature ๐ŸŽฎ๐Ÿš€

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  • ๐Ÿš€๐ŸŽฎ Welcome to reWASD 7.0: Discover the Radial Menu feature ๐ŸŽฎ๐Ÿš€

    Hey reWASD fam!

    We're thrilled to unveil reWASD 7.0, a groundbreaking update that redefines how you experience gaming! Let's dive into the exciting features and enhancements this release brings:

    ๐ŸŒ€ Introducing the Radial Menu: Prepare to revolutionize your gameplay with our latest additionโ€”the Radial Menu! This innovative feature empowers you to break free from conventional controls and unleash your creativity. Craft custom menus tailored to your playstyle, enabling swift access to commands, seamless weapon switching, and effortless in-game navigation. It's an intuitive interface that transforms the ordinary into the extraordinary.

    ๐ŸŽฎ Enhanced Support for Flydigi Vader 3 & Apex 3: We've bolstered compatibility with Flydigi Vader 3, integrating it seamlessly into your gaming experience. Additionally, Apex 3 users can now revel in a new battery charge indicator, providing real-time visibility into your controller's power level. Elevate your gaming sessions with these updated functionalities!

    ๐Ÿ”„ Reset to Default Function and LEDs Refinement: We've taken control customization to the next level! Say hello to the 'Reset to Default' function, simplifying the process of reverting settings to their original values. Meanwhile, we've refined the stability of LEDs, ensuring a smoother and more vibrant gaming atmosphere for you to enjoy.

    ๐ŸŒ New Localization & Bug Fixes: Calling all Polish-speaking gamers! Jesteล›my podekscytowani, ลผe moลผemy zaprezentowaฤ‡ naszฤ… nowฤ… polskฤ… lokalizacjฤ™, wzbogacajฤ…cฤ… doล›wiadczenie z grami dla naszych polskich uลผytkownikรณw. A massive shoutout to our amazing translation teams! Furthermore, we've addressed crucial issues, including enhancing Bluetooth stability for JoyCons and fixing minor bugs related to autodetect functionality. The slider control issue on the Steam Deck touch display? Consider it resolved! Your setup experience just got more responsive and accurate.

    Join us in celebrating this milestone update! Update to reWASD 7.0 now and experience gaming in a whole new light. Your feedback and support drive us to constantly evolve and innovate. Thank you for being part of the reWASD community!

    Share your experiences, suggestions, and excitement about this update in the forums. Let's embark on this gaming journey together!
    There should be a link to our official website or release notes or whatever... But for sure you all know what to do. Righ?
    Click image for larger version

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    Last edited by akima; 16.11.2023, 21:01.

  • #2
    Excellent update! And unless I missed it in an early patch notes, this update also brings the joystick rotation setting which is neat. I'm sure you're already at work on improving the Radial Menu but here's some stuff I thought about after playing with it for a bit.
    • Menu Position - I'd love fine-tuned position options but I know that's a bit tricky as the settings depend on screen size. So keeping with the "one size fits all" approach could we at least choose from center screen or one of the four corners? This falls in line with the same options given to users regarding the other overlay elements.
    • Custom Icons - You gave us a TON of great default icons but there's plenty of situations where custom icons would be beneficial. Weapon wheels in FPS games are an easy thing to visualize but RTS games are perfect for this. You could set a first tier sector to a building icon and all of the subsector icons to units that can be built from it. I did a whole video on using Steam Input for something similar you'd like to see how intuitive that could be.
    • Keep Radial Menu Open After Selection - In that RTS example I'd certainly want to build multiple of a unit but (I think) the menu will close after a selection and there's no way to keep it open. So I'd have to open the menu, navigate to the subsection, and input the binding again. And again. And again. Leaving the window open would massively improve the flow for situations like this.
    • More Radial Layers - This will probably get asked for by more than just myself. I was quite surprised to see that the Radial Menu Layer was a static layer and not something I could manually add more of. While the built in nesting of the sub-sectors gives us plenty of options -- 128 bindings in a single Radial Menu is awesome! -- I'd still prefer some physical separation. For example, even if I keep all of my gameplay related bindings in a single radial I'd still like to have an auxiliary radial that's totally separate. This would house non-gameplay bindings like volume control, screenshot, screen record, Discord hotkeys, etc. I technically could put it all in 1 Radial with everything in a subsection but that's going to add input time to every action since even something like a weapon wheel would end up being 3 button presses.


    • #3

      Hey, thatโ€™s great to get your feedback. It's been a while.
      Thank you for your attention and suggestions. And youโ€™re absolutely right, weโ€™re already thinking about some improvements. Letโ€™s say it was our first step, an MVP, but the full potential will be unlocked.

      About your points.
      Menu position. We were considering the best option, and for the first version, the center appeared to be the most suitable and familiar to gamers. But certainly, some games may require another position, so we'll definitely think about it.

      Custom icons. This is something we already have in mind. I think with a few upcoming releases, weโ€™ll enhance our library, and later, weโ€™ll add the ability to include custom ones. Itโ€™s great to know weโ€™re on the same page with our users.

      Keeping the Radial Menu Open. This functionality has already been implemented. Just check the sector setting. There you can find the checkbox โ€œClose on Applyโ€. Remove the selection, and your radial menu will stay open till you leave the Radial Menu Shift.

      More Radial Layers. Give us a break, friend ๐Ÿ˜… just joking. We already have it in our roadmap. No ETA yet, as we still need more feedback, but you can be sure, multiple radial layers arenโ€™t something unbelievable.โ€‹


      • #4
        I have been refreshing you guys' page for days in anticipation of this update, I just got a Vader 3 pro and have been itching to use it to it's fullest. Thanks so much!

        One thing that I think needs to be mentioned somewhere in the software: The Flydigi Vader 3 MUST be in Dinput mode! which you can do by holding the Capture/Circle button and the A button for a few seconds, the light will turn from white to blue. If it isn't in Dinput mode, ReWASD just detects it as a 360 controller.

        To get it back to Xinput you hold Capture and the X button, light will return to white.


        • #5
          Wow, radial menu is even better that I thought. I was waiting for this long time! Thank you. CriticalComposer added some good points there. For me especialy menu position is important, I would like to have three options where menu can be displayed: on the left side of character (which is in the middle of screen), on the right side, and like it is now, in the center.
          • Second radial menu layer. Why? Playing MMO you have a lot of shortcuts, which I am keeping under left and right trigger. Left trigger is displaying radial menu from 1 to 5, right trigger from 6 to 0. It can be used in different way to separate skills activators under left trigger and equipment activators under right trigger. I never used more than two radial menus in Steam Input, but two - very often. It should be possible to achieve with jumping between game profiles, but it is not comfortable.
          • On-Screen Keyboard - Maybe it's worth to prepare something like this? Steam had Daisy OSK in the past and it looks like it's possible to have it with new radial menu after small reconfiguration (here face buttons are required to select letters, but sticks are selecting letter group).

          I am happy about Flydigi support! I'm still using my old Apex 2, but if reWASD supports impulse triggers, then I will think to move to newer version. ๐Ÿ˜


          • #6
            This seems awesome!

            On an Elite Series 2 controller, I can't straight-up apply or save the radial menu. If I make some changes and click Apply to Slot 1 the changes won't update. I have to right-click the Layer menu and select "Save Radial Menu As A Default" for this to work. With this method, Rewasd crashes the first time opening the radial menu but after restarting it works fine and changes have been updated.

            Is it currently possible to have only one radial menu and not for example different menus for both joysticks?

            Either way, this is really great update!

            EDIT: It actually does make changes when clicking Apply to Slot, but it won't show them GUI. When I manually restart Rewasd the changes show up.
            Last edited by Antsa; 18.11.2023, 11:01.


            • #7
              The behavior you described is not normal.

              Please send me your current config and provide me with detailed steps on how to reproduce these crashes.


              • #8
                Hello, i tested this feature, it is excellent, i want to use it for all my games (even competitive games which don't like overlays) would it be possible to transfer the overlay to my smartphone or tablet ?

                Example i open a web page that displays the overlay on my tablet, so i can even use this feature on my games console โ€‹


                • #9
                  There are plans to implement your suggestion in the future


                  • #10
                    If radial menu can jump to shift layers that would be great ... atm it seems only to map to buttons/keys/combos


                    • #11
                      Thanks for your suggestion. We will take this into account for the future.


                      • #12
                        I just gotta say, y'all have blown my mind on this one. These layered radials are amazing. Thank you for continued work on this awesome app.


                        • #13
                          I am glad to know that you find our new feature amazing.

                          I would appreciate it if you could tell me how you use Radial Menu feature and what exactly you like about it


                          • #14
                            Originally Posted by Miron4ik42 View Post
                            I am glad to know that you find our new feature amazing.

                            I would appreciate it if you could tell me how you use Radial Menu feature and what exactly you like about it
                            Sure! My first test use of it so far has been in Fallout 4, setting all the favorites to a Radial wheel, plus two additional item: one that opens a second wheel configured with each of the Pip-Boy menus (Inventory, Stats, Map, etc), and another that activates a few specialized mod commands.

                            It worked so well, so immediately, and without any errors at all. Plus the ability to open it on a separate monitor? Complete game-changer for me. This rocks my socks.

                            Now I'm working on configuring a wheel for my various Adobe design products (Acrobat, Indesign, and Premiere Pro mainly), in conjunction with an Azeron Cyborg. It has allowed me to clear out a third of my custom key mappings and move them into what I'm calling my "Selector Wheel" and it's just lovely.


                            • #15
                              Happy to report that using the radial wheel with Adobe Premiere Pro is a phenomenal success. I'm running a profile that combines an Azeron Cyborg with a g502 gaming mouse. Using the following radial:

                              Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	1061
Size:	483.2 KB
ID:	240286โ€‹

                              ...and the following mouse config as an initial test:

                              Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	848
Size:	448.9 KB
ID:	240287โ€‹

                              Just from this initial test wheel, I'm operating at over twice the efficiency of time and clicks/presses, and have also cleared out that same number of keys from my Cyborg now to server more specialized functions.

                              I am doubly joyed that y'all got the mouse-to-radial navigation function correct, right out of the box. Steam still hasn't gotten it right on their radials, and they've been around for years now. I was going into this fully expecting it to be something that would be added further on in the tool's development, but nope, it's right here, and it works perfectly. I can't wait to add more commands to this radial wheel now.

                              I literally just got out of my chair and danced a jig. Perhaps I've just had too much coffee. I and my aging cramping hands again thank you for this awesome accessibility tool.

