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Suggestions for Flydigi Apex 2 BXY Slider settings

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  • Suggestions for Flydigi Apex 2 BXY Slider settings

    I recently got the Flydigi Apex 2 so I could hopefully utilize the BXY Slider/Action Puck that it has, but I've found a few problems for me personally using it with reWASD. If I bind it normally (by just binding a direction to a key) I find it too sensitive, where if I flick it up, it'll activate the up binding, but when I let go it'll activate another direction's bind. (usually down) My other method was using zones, and setting the binds to each direction in the slider's High zone. This worked mostly, but I find no matter the setting, the down direction is very hard to activate.

    Anyone else that uses the BXY slider in reWASD, have you found a good and reliable setting for using all 4 directions with it?

  • #2
    It seems that getting a clear downward direction is due to the structure of the A-stick itself.
    If you use it in Additional mode and assign some digital mappings, then I would recommend increasing the Vertical Axis Range in Advanced stick settings. In this way, you will expand the range in which the mappings of the vertical directions of the stick will work.

    Also, if the stick seems too sensitive to you, increase the gray zone (deadzone) in the same settings section.

    Click image for larger version

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ID:	238974​​


    • #3
      I use it to mimic the Dpad on FFXIV, so I can use my right hand to send all actions without the need to remove my left hand from the stick and thus stop moving.
      Here are my settings, I have shortened a bit the axis range because otherwise it would do multiple directions at once. Having 8 directions selected allows for an "off" position in between.

      Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	93
Size:	259.7 KB
ID:	240201


