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Feature Request: Simulate Hold Button/Key

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  • Feature Request: Simulate Hold Button/Key

    I've been googling and searching forums, so perhaps my Google-Fu is weak on this subject.

    I would like the following interaction:

    1) Push a mouse button (X5) or a key
    2) Have another button or key become pressed only
    3) Push a mouse button (same as #1 or other)
    4) Have the button/key from #2 become unpressed

    I can't seem to get 2/4 separated from each-other.

    It would be similar to "double tap to drag" functionality that is available on trackpads.

  • #2

    So, basically, you need to press&hold the remapped button. Please, correct me if this workflow is not that you've requested.

    Select the required button, and remap to another button, set the toggle option. Press the button. The button reports only the key_down emulating the pressed button. Once you press it again it does key_up.
    Don't worry! Be Happy!


    • #3
      I realized that my post was potentially unclear, however, I'm so new to the forum that I can't edit yet.

      Clarified workflow:
      1) Press and release button 1 -> causes (button/key 2) to become pressed only
      2) Go get a cup of coffee
      3) Press and release button 1 (or some other fixed mapping) -> Causes (button/key2) to become unpressed

      I want to be able to walk away from my computer while (button/key 2) is held for me.


      • #4

        Sorry, my mistake, that I wrote press&hold. What I meant is the press button only. The toggle feature allows you to imitate the pressed key: you press the button once and the key goes down, you press it once more and the key goes up.

        So, you press the toggled button - > the button stays being pressed until you press it again. No not need to press&hold.

        Have you tried the provided steps?
        Don't worry! Be Happy!


        • #5
          Thanks, it may just be the game not accepting the inputs.

          I'm going to try the Toggle workflow on a game where I know that ReWasd input is being accepted and then I'll post back here.


          • #6
            Ok, something has broken since I took the 5.5.1 update. A game that used to work (Risk of Rain 2) now isn't accepting input from ReWasd.

            I'll reboot when I can and see if that resolves the issue, then proceed from there.

            Thank you for your assitance! I will report back here.


            • #7

              Do you use mouse&keyboard as the gamepad? What virtual controller for you create, then? Try to create a different ones, like DS4 or Xbox One.

              And you right, restart the game with the active mappings or even reboot the PC.
              Don't worry! Be Happy!


              • #8
                I was confused by the UI.

                The workflow works.

                The "bottom left" highlighted thing was my (disconnected) XBox One controller, however, the UI allows me to select the mouse and add thing to it.

                After clicking on the Mouse icon on the left side, and getting that to be the Bottom Left Icon, I was able to get the game to respond to a dummy item (turbo left click) as well as use Toggle to toggle a keyboard button (Space) so that I can be lazy.

                Thank you for your patience!


                • #9
                  No problem Have a great gaming experience.
                  Don't worry! Be Happy!

