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Change ambigious description of shortcut and slot hotkey press time.

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  • Change ambigious description of shortcut and slot hotkey press time.

    Hello reWASD team,
    The current description of press time for shortcuts and slot hotkeys should be changed, as it can be interpreted in two different ways.

    In the app's press time preferences, the sliders are simply labeled "Shortcut press time" and "Slot hotkey press time", and determines the maximum amount of time between entering the first and last button in the shortcut.

    This is the same wording used for "Long press time", where "press time" refers to the minimum amount of time the button must be held down before the function will activate.

    It's a problem because it looks like shortcuts must be held down for the specified duration before they will activate, which is not true.

    The description on the website is equally confusing:

    Shortcut press time defines the time you have to press all the buttons that participate in a shortcut for the shortcut to fire. The less this parameter is, the faster the shortcut reproduces.

    Slot hotkey press time defines the time you have to press the shortcut for Slot switching to actually switch slots. We recommend to leave the default setting for this parameter, to avoid the accidental slot switching.
    Do I have to press the buttons for 1 second, or do I have 1 second to press the buttons? It could be either!

  • #2

    Press time for the shortcuts and slots define the time during which we are waiting for all the buttons to be pressed. If during this time just a few, but not all, participants of the hotkey are pressed, the hotkey will not work.

    Certainly, you do not need to press and hold all the shortcut buttons during the suggested time, it is a pretty strange mechanics.

    Shortcut press time defines the time you have to press all the buttons
    is a quote from the guide.

    or do I have 1 second to press the buttons
    is just the same you are saying with the same words Yes, this is 1 second you have to press the buttons.

    Sorry to hear that it is not clear from the beginning. reWASD has so many settings and features, so it is easy to get lost. But I hope everything is getting clearer after a bit of usage.

