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Enhancement Request: mappings overlay redisign

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  • Enhancement Request: mappings overlay redisign

    I've created my first controller mapping and my overlay looks like a nightmare
    My wishes:
    1. Do not display "Do not inherit" mappings
    2. Show descriptions instead of key bindindgs. I don't want to remember what means F1-F12 key bingings.
    3. Display only active layer. Redraw overlay on layer change.
    4. Add Setting: hide layout. I don't want to see information about layer 0, only about layers 1 and 2.
    5. Horizontal overlay with reference to the keys of the controller (second screenshot)
    My layout:
    Click image for larger version

Name:	mappings_rewasd.png
Views:	332
Size:	218.7 KB
ID:	225822

    Мy dream layout:
    Click image for larger version

Name:	mappings_rewasd2.png
Views:	331
Size:	299.4 KB
ID:	225823
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Hello there!

    "Show only descriptions" mode is coming in 5.7.1 version of reWASD. It will also work on the 'Do not inherit' command mapping. If there is no description assigned to it, there will be nothing shown.

    Other suggestions are noted. We will try implementing it in the future, but no guarantees for now ;(

    100% guarantee that the Shift mode swap showing will be implemented in one of the future updates.


    • #3
      "Show only descriptions" mode is coming in 5.7.1 version of reWASD.
      Nice option, thanks!

      Without "Display only active layer" mode, the overlay may still be too complicated:
      Click image for larger version

Name:	mappings_rewasd3.png
Views:	355
Size:	33.7 KB
ID:	225829


      • #4
        As I have mentioned, we will try to implement as many features as possible. Just, as you can understand, each and every suggestion cannot be completed. But we will try anyway.

        Thank you for the understanding.


        • #5
          Thank you!

