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PS4 controller - Touch pad 4 quadrants

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  • PS4 controller - Touch pad 4 quadrants

    I have a suggestion to add 4 buttons in the list of gamepad controls.

    I believe that Metal Gear Solid V divides the touch pad on the PS4 controller in 4 quadrants.
    I am using a 3rd party controller and PS Now does not recognize the touch pad.
    In the list of gamepad controls I can only map the left side or right side of the touch pad to a button.

    My suggestion is to add the following options:
    Upper left tap
    Bottom left tap
    Upper right tap
    Bottom right tap

  • #2

    Have just checked Metal Gear Solid V from PS Now, and I have noticed that the game requires clicks instead of taps. Even though they show "bottom right and left" positions, both ones work with our Left and Right tap combined with a Touchpad Click.

    Please try the following:

    Create a combo in Hold until release mode that starts from Left Tap and then includes Click:

    Click image for larger version

Name:	a527d8e533.png
Views:	381
Size:	57.1 KB
ID:	230930

    This action is recognized by the game and works as a Pause natively.

    Then, make the same one for the Right Tap.


    • #3
      Thank you.
      I had not realized there is a difference between a tap and click.
      The solution offered is indeed logical.

      I am happy I bought REWASD:
      - a good working program
      - useful answers in the forum


      • #4
        Yay, great to know that reWASD works for you! Do not hesitate to ask — we are happy to help

