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First Thoughts - Possible Improvements

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  • First Thoughts - Possible Improvements

    Hi, I tested reWASD some time ago, and didn't find it suitable for my use-case.
    Unfortunately the tool did still know this. Perhaps you could reset the trial phase after several month? If this is bulletproof I think this shouldn't cut your sales.

    But I have an actual use-case: The Diable4-Beta. Therefore, I just brought the software (and of course the full package ;-)) just to try it again.
    I tried to configure my Azeron (classic) as Gamepad, but also want to use the mouse for some stuff (inventary and so on).

    I would suggest these improvements:
    - Copy multiple (its great there is a copy feature at! but I think it is still improvable!)
    - Cut (usually I used the copy-feature to move assignments. A cut- (or move-)feature would reduce this by one step)
    - Drag'n'Drop (same idea as above, make it easier to move assignments)
    - Pre-configured commands and drag it in (as reference! changes in pre-configured list are updated on the keys. Useful if a command is used identical on different buttons or devices)
    - Switch layer by joystick (zone) (But I have read it's already planned and in my use-case I found it wasn't necessary at all (but just because D4 is great with a controller))
    - Undo/Redo​ (or have I missed it?)

    Next suggestions are a little bit more advanced and more focused on replacing Joystick-Gremlin for Flightsim-Configuration
    - Plugins (e.g. joystick gremlin uses python-scripts)
    - Own devices (so we can use it for HOTAS, HOSAS, ...)

    After some finetuning I'm pleased with my config. Unfortunately I will not use it until June again ;-)

    Best regards

  • #2
    Hey there!

    Thanks for the suggestions.

    To prolong the trial period for you, I need to identify you in our database by a system ID.
    Please download this tool:

    Launch it, copy SID that will be revealed, and send it to me.


    • #3
      Thanks for the offer, but I already purchased it, and I'm happy with it, so far. No need to prolong the trial period (in my case)
      Perhaps I should have just ask here before buying it ;-)

