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Radial Menu to change Shift Layers / Slots

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  • Radial Menu to change Shift Layers / Slots

    I mentioned this somewhere in release notes, want to separate this to Suggestions.

    At the moment Radial Menu only maps to buttons/keys/combos.

    If it can be used to jump to Shift Layers (Custom Mode), it would be great. Some benefits include:

    1. don't have to remember which button/key jumps to which Shift Layer (especially true if you have lots of games with its own configs)

    2. easier to avoid situation where you get stuck in Shift Layer because you did not set it up correctly

    This is also true for Slots. For example, I have a Slot for my prefer key mapping ... my brother have a Slot for his preference ... if Slots are available in Radial Menu - can easily switch between slots without remembering complex shortcuts.

  • #2
    Hi. Thanks for the suggestion. We will consider this in future updates.


    • #3
      Another reason for this ... we have 10 shift layers ... very hard to assign buttons on controller to go to all those layers (let alone remember which button goes to which layer)

      It's easy for keyboard to use all layers (for example can just assign F1, F2, etc to go to layer 1, 2, etc). Not so easy for controller as typically controller have only 15 buttons.

      This will allow controllers to have easy full access to all shift layers (and possibly to slots too)


      • #4
        +1 on wanting this. It would be huge. In addition to what tij said above, assigning the layers to F1, F2, F3, etc. works, but I often forget which layers are where. Using the Radial Wheel could allow you to name your shift layers and display them on the radial wheel, so you can see that Layer 1 is named Mining, Layer 2 is named Crafting, etc. etc.+1 on wanting this. It would be huge. In addition to what tij said above, assigning the layers to F1, F2, F3, etc. works, but I often forget which layers are where. Using the Radial Wheel could allow you to name your shift layers and display them on the radial wheel, so you can see that Layer 1 is named Mining, Layer 2 is named Crafting, etc. etc.


        • #5
          Radial Menu to change Shift Layers / Slots is very good!!


          • #6
            I, too, would appreciate supporting shifting via radial menu.

            I use reWASD to remap a Playstation Navigation controller for use in softwares like Photoshop and Pro Tools. I want to set different shifts for different workflows, and a GUI will make it most simple.


            • #7
              I would love this feature too

