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Wrong inputs on Xbox Elite 2 Controller with Bluetooth connection

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  • Wrong inputs on Xbox Elite 2 Controller with Bluetooth connection

    When I connect my Xbox Elite 2 Controller through USB cable it detects all the buttons properly (except the paddles which are not detected at all).

    However, when I connect it through Bluetooth, reWASD thinks that:
    LB is the select button, that RB is the start button, that X is Y, that Y is LT, that up on the right stick is RT, that left on the right stick is LT.

    Some buttons are not detected at all like:
    start, select, down on the right stick, and right on the right stick, and the press down on the right/left stick buttons.

  • #2

    We haven't got our Xbox Elite 2 yet, unfortunately. However, we have been tracking all the news and are pretty sure that will be able to support all its new and old features. We are working on the new release in November and will do our best to include all needed fixes in this version too. Stay tuned.
    Don't worry! Be Happy!


    • #3
      Originally Posted by Star-Lord View Post

      We haven't got our Xbox Elite 2 yet, unfortunately. However, we have been tracking all the news and are pretty sure that will be able to support all its new and old features. We are working on the new release in November and will do our best to include all needed fixes in this version too. Stay tuned.
      I'm excited for that new release!

      Also, connecting through Bluetooth seems to work properly in games when reWASD is off. Games dont think that LB is select or that X is Y. Only reWASD seems to have problems detecting the input. I'm going to purchase the Xbox Wireless Adapter for Windows and see if that makes a difference. I'll let you know.

      In addition, there's a strange bug where reWASD always goes to the options for LT (Left Trigger) every time I open reWASD, as if I had just pressed the LT on my controller. So if I minimize reWASD and then open it again, it happens. It only happens when I connect my Elite 2 through Bluetooth too, USB doesn't do that.


      • #4
        What BT adapter do you use? Is it kind external one or you connect Xbox to laptop with embedded BT?

        We also would ask you to collect drivers\services logs. Switch off the controller and adapter. Open the reWASD via Admin - Preferences - StartLog left the lower corner. Then plug the BT adapter, switch on the controller and connect it. Check that controller is recognized by reWASD (is displaying in the GUI), back to the Preferences and press StopLog. Attach the archive with the next reply or send it to
        Don't worry! Be Happy!


        • #5
          I use the "TRENDnet Micro Bluetooth 4.0 Class I USB 2.0 Adapter" I bought from this link:

          Connecting my regular Dawn Shadow Xbox One S controller (which is not Elite) through Bluetooth works fine. Only the Elite 2 has problems with bluetooth in reWASD.

          I followed your instructions and have attached the log in this reply. Thanks!
          Attached Files


          • #6

            Thank you for your logs. One more thing I didn't mention:

            - Go to the C:\Program Files\reWASD and create a shortcut of the process.
            - Find the icon on the Desktop (1) and open Properties via contextual menu (2) and type -tracetext (3), like this.
            - Double click created shortcut to launch the reWASD, wait when the controller appears in the software interface.
            - Go to the C:\Users\Public\Documents\reWASD\Logs and send us reWASD tray TextTrace - Controllers text fille
            Don't worry! Be Happy!


            • #7
              Here you go! Thanks again!
              Attached Files


              • #8

                Superfast response Thank you for your help!
                Don't worry! Be Happy!


                • #9
                  You're welcome. I just got the Xbox Wireless Adapter for Windows 10 and it works perfectly with reWASD. I think when you use the Xbox wireless adapter it detect the controller as if it was plugged through USB. reWASD detects the xbox elite controller as different controllers when I connect through USB or through Bluetooth. I had renamed the USB controller in reWASD to "Elite USB" and the Bluetooth one to "Elite Bluetooth". When I connect through the Xbox Wireless adapter reWASD thinks that "Elite USB" is connected.

                  Hope the extra info helps to fix the Bluetooth problem!


                  • #10
                    Thanks a lot for the information.
                    Yep, Bluetooth connection of the Elite Series 2 is a big problem. But we are working on it right now

