Since reWASD 5.2, our software supports Xbox Elite Series 2 controller. Now you can remap its buttons and paddles and use all the powers reWASD offers.
However, there are several moments you need to know before you go and when you experience some issues.

First, it is highly recommended to update to the latest release: reWASD 5.2.1.

reWASD + Xbox Accessories app

In order to use reWASD with Xbox Elite Series 2, you need to override Xbox Accessories settings.

There are two possible options:

1. Switch to the physical Slot 0 (you won't see any lights on the controller's slot switcher in this case)
2. Go to Xbox app and create a new empty profile in which paddles are Unmapped and all other controls are not mapped at all (have default behavior). Make the same empty config for all existing slots.

Now you are ready to reapply your config in reWASD

Something is wrong after the update

In case your Elite 2 still acts weirdly, it may be a chance that something wasn't OK with the update. Please follow the steps below:

First, check if hidgamemap.sys driver is present for your controller. Here are the steps:

1. Open your Explorer and paste this path: Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Devices and Printers
2. Find your controller and open its Properties (from the context menu)
3. Go to Hardware tab
4. Click Properties
5. In the windows that will be opened, switch to Driver tab
6. Click Driver Details
7. Send us the screenshot of what do you see here (in this topic or to direct messages)

IF the driver is NOT present as the screenshot shows — please go to C:\ProgramData\Disc-Soft\reWASD\Logs and send us the files you see there (you may zip them and send all together). Then, uninstall reWASD, reboot, install reWASD from scratch and reboot again.

ELSE, the driver IS present — please go to C:\ProgramData\Disc-Soft\reWASD and remove all *.binv2 you see there, restart reWASD and try to Apply your config again.

Different connection types

Xbox Elite Series 2 can be connected via USB cable, wireless adapter and Bluetooth. Please note that once you switch to Bluetooth, the system and reWASD sees the new controller. All settings and applied configs that you had for Elite 2 with wired connection or connection via adapter, won't be applied automatically. You will need to re-configure everything again and press Apply for your config one more time.
Attached Files