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Mapping Absolute Raw Input to Controller (Mouse Input)

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  • Mapping Absolute Raw Input to Controller (Mouse Input)

    I have my mouse and keyboard mapped to controller inputs that I'm trying to use on Apex Legends, the mouse movement feels really choppy and feels like there's mouse acceleration (even with the Linear preset in the game's controller options). I was wondering if it was possible to map absolute raw input from my mouse and keyboard to my game so that it doesn't feel like I'm moving with a controller's joystick.

  • #2

    reWASD has various settings that may help you adjust mouse moves the way you want them to be.

    I would suggest you to start from Response curve. Choose custom and create something like this:

    Click image for larger version

Name:	6945ebe5a2.jpg
Views:	2998
Size:	32.4 KB
ID:	217951
    In this case, no matter how fast you move the mouse, it will emulate almost the highest stick inclination. If it moves too fast, you may also need to decrease the mouse sensitivity.
    I would also suggest you looking at advanced mouse and virtual stick setting in our help guide and try different tuning to achieve the best performance.


    • #3
      Created something like that and changed some of the settings in the mouse and virtual stick settings. Still sort of confused, these are my virtual mouse and keyboard settings ( and this is my mouse movement settings ( and my stick settings ( I was just wondering if I could make the movement of the mouse feel like native mouse and keyboard.


      • #4
        Also, since forum permissions aren't letting me update my post, here's something I wanted to add:

        Here is a link ( to someone using an XIM Apex in the same way that I'm trying to use reWASD, their mouse movements look almost like they're just playing with keyboard and mouse natively.


        • #5
          XIM Apex also has tuning just like reWASD. The problem is that it is pretty individual and depends on your mouse, your game and the way you want it to be.
          The best solution is to try playing with different settings to find the way you want it to be.

