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Massive problem with profiles

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  • pilky
    Hi! Yeah you understood right!

    Okay. The option you describe is already enabled (it was by default). But it's not disabling the profile. When I open a game, the explorer.exe (Desktop) profile still remains active.

    I notice the word says "Remove applied config from slot on EXIT from the associated app".

    Since explorer.exe never exits, I guess it never unloads the "desktop" profile...? And I would have the same problem even if I make the "desktop" profile only apply for GOG Galaxy.exe (my game launcher). Because the launcher stays open (doesn't exit) when it launches the game.

    So how can this problem be fixed? Can't you detect that the foreground app is using XInput and therefore intelligently stop mapping in reWASD whenever a game with native gamepad support is open ("except when the user has manually added a profile for that game exe and WANTS reWASD in that game").

    I am not sure how Steam does it but their Big Picture lets gamepads map stuff for the windows desktop without conflicting at all inside any games.

    I chose to pay for reWASD instead because you have amazing configurability (slots/layers for the gamepad buttons, vibration feedback when pressing buttons, recording macros, etc). :-)

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  • reWASDer
    Hey there!

    If I understand you right, you do not need reWASD for the games? So, you want to disable reWASD for the games but use for player and desktop?
    If yes, you need to check Preferences -> Agent tab. Remove applied config from slot on exit from associated app should be on:

    Click image for larger version

Name:	0c40740cdf.jpg
Views:	2400
Size:	27.6 KB
ID:	217989

    When this option is active, your desktop config will be removed when you open some app that is not associated with reWASD. So you also need to remove the associations for games (if you have ones) to make it work.

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  • pilky
    started a topic Massive problem with profiles

    Massive problem with profiles

    Hi! I have the Default profile which allows mouse control etc in Windows. And I have a custom profile for a video player app. So far, those two work perfectly. When the video player is active, its bindings are active. And when the desktop (explorer.exe) or browser (chrome.exe) get focus, the Default profile is reactivated and I can controll the whole desktop/mouse stuff again.

    The problem is... games. Apps that use XInput (or heck even DInput) to read the controller are not respected by reWASD. I'm really disappointed in the purchase and hope there is a way to fix this.

    I use the Default profile to click and select Stardew Valley in my GOG Galaxy 2.0 launcher (it's like Steam Big Picture basically, a game launcher). Then when Stardew launches, things go to hell. My whole game gets double input: Both its own that it reads directly from the gamepad. And the mouse/keyboard moves generated by reWASD. So the game is CHAOS.

    EVERY game is chaos.

    Is there some solution I haven't discovered? I've searched the manual. But all I see is that it seems like reWASD is ALWAYS active and only sets an active profile based on the last-focused app.exe that's in its "app list" for each profile.

    As far as I have figured out, there are two workarounds for this problem:

    1. Bind some "unmap" button that totally disables reWASD and use that button after starting the game, to disable reWASD. This "solution" is totally unacceptable, because that means when I close the game I have NO desktop mouse control anymore since reWASD is disabled.

    2. Add an empty profile (no button bindings) in reWASD and then manually add every game .exe to it, so taht whenever a game launches, reWASD simply ignores all keys. This is also unacceptable. I shouldn't have to manually find tons of tedious game .exe files.

    Is there some proper solution already implemented in reWASD? Because the two ideas I have above are both terrible.

    If there isn't a proper solution, how can I arrange a refund of this app? Or have a chance that you implement something like A) Detector which notices when a game is in foreground, B) Maybe something which detects when another app is reading XInput/DInput, and stops reWASD's processing while that other app is actively using the gamepad, or C) Perhaps a way to say "Profiles are ONLY active WHILE the listed .exe files are in the FOREGROUND", meaning that the desktop mouse control stuff would only be active while explorer.exe has focus etc. This third solution is pretty terrible too, but at least then I could just ensure that the mouse control stuff is only active while GOG Galaxy.exe has foreground focus (my game launcher)...

    I hope there is some solution out there. Right now, reWASD just ruins my ability to play games that already have gamepad support. :-(