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Slots problem

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  • Slots problem


    In reWASD we have 4 slots. In slots we can save our configs. In one slot we can save one config, or in one slot we can save many configs if we use associated apps options.

    The problem is when for instance in first slot we save config with normal Controller (Xbox One For Windows), and in second slot we save config with virtual Controller (Virtual Xbox 360 for reWASD). In this case we can't move between slots first and second - because in Windows all the time there is mounted virtual Controller from second config and first config not working because require normal Controller.
    So, if we want to use first config we have to manually remove second config from second slot, or use Remove applied config from slot on exit from the associated app program option.
    This options are not very handy or do not always work (for instance Microsoft games Universal Windows Platform UWP).
    A better way would be to the application itself removed the virtual controller from the system, if it recognizes that we are changing to slot using a standard controller, or an empty slot.

    Additionally, could be added too an option, that the application remembers the last used slot - the next time the application and the computer is started.


  • #2

    Thanks for your post. Yes, there is such a limitation in reWASD right now, but we are working on the new version that will include a fix for two slots that use different controllers (physical and virtual). Virtual controller will disappear from the system once you switch to the slot that doesn't use it. Stay tuned!

    As for an option to remember the last slot for the system startup, I won't promise you that it will be added soon but thanks for your suggestion, this feature will be added to our to-do list.

