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PS4 Remote Play, Cannot Strafe in FPS

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  • PS4 Remote Play, Cannot Strafe in FPS

    Hello, I purchased reWASD recently to use with PS4 Remote play, it works better than I was expecting.

    I do have an issue however. For example, if I hold the keyboard key bound to "Left joystick - hold left" I will strafe left in the game. And then while continuing to strafe left if I press the right mouse button to aim down sights, which is bound to "L2" I will continue to strafe left while aiming down sights. However at that point I cannot strafe any other direction while aiming down sights. "Leftjoystick - up, down, left, right" not register at this point until I release the right mouse button "L2".

    How can I configure reWASD to get around this scenario?


  • #2
    Thank you for your report.

    As I understand while L2 is pressed which right mouse button the mouse movements do not trigger. Once L2 released the mouse moves. Do you use L2 as a shift modifier? If so, it looks like a shift doesn't have a mapped mouse. May I ask you to share the config file with us?
    Don't worry! Be Happy!


    • #3
      I figured it out, I had to go into the Shift 2 (bound to mouse right click / L2 controller) section and "unmap" any buttons I wanted to work when I was holding the right mouse button.

      I don't understand the logic around it , but it works and that's all I care about.



      • #4
        Thank you for your reply.

        Great that it works.

        A shift is like another overlay with own mappings. In your case, L2 used as an aim button and activates a shift mode where you also are needed to unmap a mouse and set mouse moves. You may see it on the footage I made - There are no mappings in the shift at first and you may see that mouse doesn't move as a joystick when L2 (B6 on a video) pressed (only cursor which is a mouse cursor that won't be detected in the game). For the second time, I added the unmap and set the right stick on a mouse inside shift and the mouse triggers as a joystick in main as in shift while aiming.
        Don't worry! Be Happy!


        • #5
          Thanks for the information!

