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i Have a lot Memory Leak...

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  • i Have a lot Memory Leak...

    Click image for larger version

Name:	332_01_26_42_183_Taskmgr.png
Views:	558
Size:	274.3 KB
ID:	218187
    i Have a Lot Memory Leak.....with button response delay....
    What information i need to provied for fix this issue...
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Thank you for the report.

    Please restart the app and the tray agent.
    And if you remember the steps that lead to this case, it would be grateful so we could reproduce it from our side.
    At least a few things: connection type, how long was reWASD opened, what config was applied on, etc. Do you use the latest 5.2.2 version? Do you use autodetect?

    Thank you in advance.
    Don't worry! Be Happy!


    • #3
      Originally Posted by Star-Lord View Post
      Thank you for the report.

      Please restart the app and the tray agent.
      And if you remember the steps that lead to this case, it would be grateful so we could reproduce it from our side.
      At least a few things: connection type, how long was reWASD opened, what config was applied on, etc. Do you use the latest 5.2.2 version? Do you use autodetect?

      Thank you in advance.
      i'll try reproduce it my self first.


      • #4
        Thanks for cooperation! Hope we will find the steps and will be able to fix this issue.

