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HOLD Combo Difficulties

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  • reWASDer
    Yay! Thanks for letting me know.

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  • newbazin
    Wow! Very grateful for your help! It worked out what I wanted to do!

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  • reWASDer
    You can use Pause (1) to add delays anywhere in both modes:
    Click image for larger version

Name:	d9afc5fbe4.jpg
Views:	402
Size:	19.8 KB
ID:	219600

    However, it is impossible to add more than one same button in Hold until release mode. In this mode, all keys will be released in the end, so once you add L3, it will be pressed all the time the combo is active. In your case, you need Execute at once mode + Turbo, like I've described in my previous post.

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  • newbazin
    Click image for larger version

Name:	rewasd.jpg
Views:	399
Size:	47.1 KB
ID:	219589

    I made a montage of what I would like to do including a suggestion that would be very welcome!

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  • reWASDer

    Please try the following.

    1. Create a combo with Circle and R2 with long pause (duration):

    Click image for larger version

Name:	09e25a1a2a.jpg
Views:	383
Size:	25.3 KB
ID:	219584

    2. Set it to Toggle:

    Click image for larger version

Name:	015e36e1e8.jpg
Views:	382
Size:	28.9 KB
ID:	219585

    Now it will work the following way: when you tap Circle once, Circle is pressed and released, and then R2 is held until you press Circle again to stop it.
    If it a thing you wanted or maybe I didn't understand it correctly?

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  • newbazin
    started a topic HOLD Combo Difficulties

    HOLD Combo Difficulties

    Hi, I would like to make a "combo" where he pressed the circle once and then held R2 until I let go, is there a way to do this?

    LIKE A:

    "Hold Until Release"
