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Game remapping

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  • Game remapping

    Certain games use multiple functions for the same key, like in fortnite building and while out of build mode shooting, is there any way to.rebind it into two different keys in mouse and keyboard while remapping, like from controller

  • #2
    Hey there!

    No sure if I understand you correctly. You need one keyboard key to act as two different buttons or two keyboard keys to work as one button?
    Maybe, you can send me an example. As far as I remember, B button should be held to go to the Build mode, while triggers and bumbers allow setting walls. Do you want one keyboard key to activate a building mode, put a wall and deactivate it?


    • #3
      Actually I've spent more than 8 hours trying to remap it and it's heavily discouraging,. Unable to understand how to do it. If can give you my keyboard keybinds can you create a config with a custom controller loadout? Help me out here


      • #4
        Let's try, yep. Just need to understand which action each keyboard key should do.

        You can also try one of those configs from our Community.


        • #5
          Actually I'm slowly getting a hang of it but I think due to pressure exerted on certain keys, other keyboard keys are slightly activated and hence the game keeps glitching out. Between keyboard and controller in between I'd there anyway to unmap all keyboard keys except the ones I'm using, hence eliminating this issue. Because if I'm unmapping all keyboard keys except the ones mapped to controller only the controller keys would work. I hope you understood


          • #6
            Not exactly. The main goal is to force keyboard and mouse to act as a controller, so unmap is required to mute the keyboard inputs completely and the game sees the controller only.

            Why do you need to use keyboard buttons in the game if you use a controller? So, I wouldn't recommend using the multiple inputs cos it could be a reason for glitch.
            Don't worry! Be Happy!


            • #7
              I use the virtual controller on the keyboard, I don't have a controller, but when I press multiple keyboard buttons in game ,it glitches and for a second or so switches to keyboard input, thank you for your time and kindly help me with this


              • #8
                Update: The app seems a little complex and I'm figuring things out, I'm unable to remap anything to my mouse button, I did bind key pad up to a building button and then remapped my d pad up to a mouse button but it's unresponsive and doesn't seem to work


                • #9
                  Please ensure that you have "Unmap" for all keyboard keys you use. It will block the keyboard input, and there won't be any glitch:

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	f322f4279c.jpg
Views:	789
Size:	61.8 KB
ID:	219669

                  As for an issue with a mouse, could you please show me what do you see in Mouse sub-config? Is it the one where you add controller mappings, right?

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	58e015dcb6.jpg
Views:	865
Size:	52.9 KB
ID:	219670


                  • #10
                    I added controller mapping for mouse both in keyboard and mouse as the option was available for both


                    • #11

                      So, with all unmapped buttons, you still get keyboard inputs? What buttons do you press? You mentioned that you press "multiple keyboard buttons in-game" What these buttons are? Shift, ctrl, alt buttons are among them?
                      And what buttons do you press simultaneously that cause glitching?

                      What game(s) by the way?
                      Don't worry! Be Happy!


                      • #12
                        I play fortnite, and thank you for your support, I'm able to configure most of it , now I'm down to one last problem, to enter into build mode I need a key and post that I can use building buttons ie dpad up down left and right. These building buttons do not work unless I press the key to enter into build mode, I only need to enter build mode once and I can keep using the building keys as long as I want, if I click any key other than building keys it exists building mode. My question is, is there any way that I can write a macro that I can directly build with building key instead of pressing the key to enter build mode and then building keys. I hope you understood my query


                        • #13
                          By Default, B is a button that enters Build mode and it should be held while you are using other controls for building.
                          So, the combo should be something like this:

                          Click image for larger version

Name:	b393019b2d.jpg
Views:	701
Size:	25.1 KB
ID:	219679
                          B is pressed but not released, then D-pad down works, then you release B button.


                          • #14
                            It didn't work. You need to press the build mode button only once, you don't need to hold it while building. You can press the build mode button once, and then use only d pad buttons to keep building. Furthermore if you press the build button again it exits you from build mode and the d pad buttons won't function without entering build mode again. There lies the complication. Is there any way for me to use only d pad buttons to build Instantly Instead of entering build mode everytime


                            • #15
                              I don't think that it's possible as to build walls you need to be in build mode. Perhaps you may try to use activators. Set B to Start press D-pad down to Single press WITH Turbo B to Release press.

                              In the game after you press\hold the key, you go to build mode because of B on Start Press, then D-pad down to build continuously, and when you release the button B reproduces to get you out of build mode. So you go to build mode, do buildings, go out built mode with a single button -
                              Don't worry! Be Happy!

