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PS3 DualShock 3 not working properly straight after boot

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  • PS3 DualShock 3 not working properly straight after boot

    Hi, my PS3 controller is permanently connected by cable to my PC. Opening REWASD after boot up, I can see it has a PS3 DualShock3 listed with its ID but nothing works. However, when I disconnect the gamepad from the PC for a few seconds and then reconnect it, everything works fine.

    Any ideas?

  • #2

    When you open reWASD with a connected device, is the "remap is ON" yellow button -is highlighted, like this - Do you apply the config in a manual way after controller reconnection or it's proceeded automatically?

    Perhaps there are certain steps that we could use to reproduce the problem?

    Thank you in advance.
    Don't worry! Be Happy!


    • #3
      Hi. Its off, and reWASD is looking like this:

      Click image for larger version

Name:	rewasd.png
Views:	522
Size:	56.6 KB
ID:	219997


      • #4

        I see, so, this is how the controller is seen after the PC boot up, right? How does the controller is displayed after you disconnect\connect DS3 physically? Or it's the screenshot when the DS3 was re-connected?

        May I ask you to do the following:
        1. Please, open reWASD via Admin. The controller has been already connected after PC boot up.
        2. Open Services tab and find Game Controller Mapping Service - > Properties - > Stop service. DO NOT UNPLUG THE CONTROLLER PHYSICALLY.
        3 Open Preferences and press StartLog. Back to Services tab and press Start service, wait a couple of seconds - > back to reWASD and Press StopLog.

        Attach the logs archive to investigate them in details.
        Don't worry! Be Happy!


        • #5
          Here is the log that you asked for:

          I have some other observations to add:
          The gamepad works fine after stopping and restarting the service.
          The gamepad works fine after restarting windows 10, regardless of whether it was working or not before the reboot.
          The gamepad works fine if stopping and disabling the service, turning PC off and then on, then manual starting the service for the 1st time.

          The only situation in which the gamepad does not work, though it is detected, is after PC boots from off state, with service running normally.
          I also tried setting the service to "automatic (delayed start)" but this had no effect.

          Since stopping and starting the service resolves the situation, I can run a batch file at start up which means the gamepad should work on 1st use without requiring me to unplug anymore.

          I'm happy to help you identify the problem as much as I can. On that note, is it possible to get a log written from the service when it runs at boot?


          • #6
            Thank you for the attached logs. According to the logs, service detects the DS3 controller.

            Do you connect DS3 directly to USB port or use some adapter, like USB - USB?

            I think the boot logs collecting is a good idea. But the boot logs collect another way. I post detailed steps, please follow then and let us know if any questions come up:

            1 Extract "reWASDLogging_logman" archive we shared with the link -

            2. Open "reWASDLogging_logman" folder. You will be able to see two files(StartLog.bat and StopLog.bat). Open cmd via Administrator and navigate to a directory where reWASDLogging_logman was extracted -

            3. Type StartLog.bat.

            4. Make sure that the controller is detected in the system and reWASD displays it right. Reboot the PC.

            5. Open the reWASD and make sure that the problem is reproduced. Back to cmd and type StopLog.

            Open the C:\ProgramData\Disc-Soft\reWASD\Logs directory, you will see 3 *.etl. file. Please, zip it and send it to us.
            Don't worry! Be Happy!


            • #7
              Thanks. I will follow your instructions as soon as I have a spare moment and post the results back.


              • #8

                Sure, take your time.
                Don't worry! Be Happy!

