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G502 Recognized as only keyboard

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  • G502 Recognized as only keyboard

    I have been having a weird problem with my mouse, and I've seen it mentioned by name in other posts and in this guide I'm not super concerned with remapping the extra buttons but it sucks that I can don't any mouse related mappings on it.

    reWASD thinks its a keyboard even though it is recognizing it as mouse. I cannot even apply mouse settings to it as it says the profile is not applicable. I also don't have the option to reinitialize i either. I have done the following.
    • Switched from onboard memory on/off in ghub (mouse software) and done a full reboot both times.
    • Unplugged and plugged in several times.
    • Updated reWASD
    • Ran discovery mode - it knows clicks are coming from it but I don't see anything when I move the mouse
    Click image for larger version

Name:	rewasd.png
Views:	1116
Size:	292.2 KB
ID:	220263
    If anyone has dealt with this before please let me know, Thank you.

  • #2

    Please, follow the link to re-initialize the mouse - Apparently it wasn't initialized properly and the video manual helps you to detect your mouse right in the reWASD.
    Don't worry! Be Happy!


    • #3
      Originally Posted by Star-Lord View Post

      Please, follow the link to re-initialize the mouse - Apparently it wasn't initialized properly and the video manual helps you to detect your mouse right in the reWASD.
      I thought as much but for some reason when I right click the device there is no option for reinitialize. I've tried disconnecting my mouse and reloading but I still cannot get the initialization window to show. Is there a way to force a reinitialization of a recognized device?


      • #4
        Hey there!

        Please ensure that the mouse is chosen as an active device (the icon has a yellow background, just like it was on your screenshot above).
        Then, press right mouse button above the icon to see the context menu. Re-initialize option should be there.


        • #5
          Yeah that was my other issue when I right click it these are the only options I see.

          Click image for larger version

Name:	no intialize.png
Views:	996
Size:	10.8 KB
ID:	220305


          • #6

            Please specify how do you connect the mouse, via cable directly to the OSB port or vi some adapter (USB or wireless)? Also, please check the mouse stack drivers. I made some animation on how you can check the drivers stack - So, find your mouse - > take the screenshot of Driver Details windows and Device Stack.

            Also, there is a hard way:

            1. Close reWASD, exit the reWASD Tray agent too
            2. Proceed to C:\ProgramData\Disc-Soft\reWASD and remove all the *.binv2 files from there. This folder is usually hidden by default, so you might need to press View tab in explorer and pick Show hidden items
            3. Now reopen reWASD and initialize your devices from scratch. Try Detection mode to make sure you choose correct initialization options.

            Thank you in advance.
            Don't worry! Be Happy!


            • #7
              Originally Posted by Star-Lord View Post

              Please specify how do you connect the mouse, via cable directly to the OSB port or vi some adapter (USB or wireless)? Also, please check the mouse stack drivers. I made some animation on how you can check the drivers stack - So, find your mouse - > take the screenshot of Driver Details windows and Device Stack.

              Also, there is a hard way:

              1. Close reWASD, exit the reWASD Tray agent too
              2. Proceed to C:\ProgramData\Disc-Soft\reWASD and remove all the *.binv2 files from there. This folder is usually hidden by default, so you might need to press View tab in explorer and pick Show hidden items
              3. Now reopen reWASD and initialize your devices from scratch. Try Detection mode to make sure you choose correct initialization options.

              Thank you in advance.
              Deleting the .binv2 files did it for me, thank you so much for the help.


              • #8

                Great news! Thank you for your feedback, we do appreciate it.
                Don't worry! Be Happy!

