Hello, Kyle21
It's not a case, actually, this is the way how the software works. Double: after the first tap (pressing and releasing), the Single Press is calculated. If during the SinglePress there was a second pressing, the Double Press is started.
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A way to have trigger operate completely normally unless it is double pressed.
I found this thread when searching for what I'm trying to do. Is this still the case?
I have been trying to get to a solution using the "start press" options but it still waits for a double press (if mapped) before taking any action.
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I see.
Sorry, but the current activator's logic works another way and can't provide you requested behavior.
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Originally Posted by Star-Lord View PostHello,
Sorry for the misunderstanding.
Correct me to avoid misunderstanding again. A single trigger press is a single shot in the game with a semi-automatic weapon. Double press activates the turbo shot, so, you're shooting until your mag (clip) is empty.
So, you want that the double press starts counting from trigger's release, like a release - press = double tab. In this case, the whole mechanics are:
Trigger press - single press, release + press = double press.
Currently, to get the double press you need to release a single press and press the trigger two times during a short period of time. And this is the problem in your case.
Let me know if I got your point.
What I want is that the first press always equals a single press, then if I happen to press again within the double press time it overrides the single press and does whatever the double press starts to do.
So I want it so it doesn't wait to see if I want to double press or not, it always does the single press, then if I don't press again carries on with the single press, but if I do then press again within the double press time it switches to the double press.
At the minute what I have is this:
Press-->wait to see if I double press-->if I don't double press then single press/if i do double press then double press
What I want is:
Press which is straight away intepretted as a single press-->if I don't double press then carry on as a single press/if i do double press switch to a double press
Thanks for your help.
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Sorry for the misunderstanding.
Correct me to avoid misunderstanding again. A single trigger press is a single shot in the game with a semi-automatic weapon. Double press activates the turbo shot, so, you're shooting until your mag (clip) is empty.
So, you want that the double press starts counting from trigger's release, like a release - press = double tab. In this case, the whole mechanics are:
Trigger press - single press, release + press = double press.
Currently, to get the double press you need to release a single press and press the trigger two times during a short period of time. And this is the problem in your case.
Let me know if I got your point.
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Originally Posted by Star-Lord View PostHello,
Thank you for your post.
I would suggest you lessen the Double press time in the software settings and try in the game with min time value.
According to our internal testing, in order to press a button (pretty quickly), a person needs about 20-25 ms. That is why the minimal Double Press time is set to 50 ms because if it is less, it would be pretty challenging to get Double Press mapping.
No you've misunderstood what I'm saying, the time taken to detect the double press isn't the issue, my question is nothing to do with the double press time.
I want the single press to go through straight away regardless of whether or not I later double press.
I always want the single press to be active when I press the trigger, if I then double press I want that to override the single press.
I was hoping that was what the start press would do but it doesn't hold the input down, it just presses it once then releases it.
So at the minute it's waiting to see after I press it whether it was a single press or a double press, in shooters this is really bad because that time is time when you want to be firing the gun, I want it to assume a single press if I press the trigger, instantly firing the gun, then if I happen to double press I want it to switch to turbo fire.
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Thank you for your post.
I would suggest you lessen the Double press time in the software settings and try in the game with min time value.
According to our internal testing, in order to press a button (pretty quickly), a person needs about 20-25 ms. That is why the minimal Double Press time is set to 50 ms because if it is less, it would be pretty challenging to get Double Press mapping.
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A way to have trigger operate completely normally unless it is double pressed.
Hi, I'm struggling to find a way to do what I want. What I want to do is be able to use R2 exactly as I normally would, a press of the button operates just like it would normally, no delay for anything, if holding the button does something then I'd like that action to work while I'm holding the trigger, at the same time I'd also like the button, if I double tap hold it, to then turbo.
I.e. if I'm using an automatic weapon and hold the trigger it fires full auto as it normally would, if I'm using a semi-automatic weapon and I hold the trigger it fires one shot then nothing, but if I'm using a semi-automatic weapon and double tap R2 and hold then I'd like the trigger to turbo fire
I tried with the double tap button press and single press but that causes a delay because obviously it wants to know whether it's a single or double press, I don't want this delay though and I want it to assume it's a single press unless it receives a double press in which case switch function to the double press method.
I also tried using the start press as well as the double press but that doesn't hold the trigger, it presses the trigger once so if I use an automatic weapon and just hold R2 it fires one bullet and then does nothing.
Any help to achieve what I want would be greatly appreciated, thanks.Tags: None
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