*salutes and flies away*
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3 different outcomes on 2 buttons
In case you'd want to remap any other buttons, make sure that you do that via Gamepad mappings. Otherwise the virtual controller will wake up and break stuff again.
*salutes and flies away*
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At the moment, you are using a virtual controller that behavies slightly different from the physical one. In your case, it is better to go with Gamepad mapping. I suggest you to use attached config, or map keys to R1 via Gamepad mapping (requires Advanced Mapping license to work), not the usual one. This way it should work just as you requested.
Turn Remap OFF, to make sure that the virtual controller is turned off and apply new config with Gamepad mappings before starting the game.Attached Files
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Could you please share the config you have now?
Your configs are stored here: C:\Users\Public\Documents\reWASD\Profiles I need the correspondent *.rewasd file.
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Kinda works, but there is one problem left.
It doesn't release the button I pressed 1st and it doesn't release the 3rd button, if I continue holding only the 2nd button after that. For the inital switch to the 3rd button that's no Problem, because in Rocket League free roll is dominant over airroll left/right. But if I release 1st button and still hold 2nd button it should switch to rotating to the other side, but it keeps the 3rd button active, so it overrides that.
In better understandable language:
Presing square: square is active
adding circle: square & R1 are active
releasing square (holding only circle): circle & R1 are active
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If I understand you correctly, two shift layers should do the trick:
Shift#1:[turn left] - shift modifier,[turn right] - switch car rotation button;
Shift#2:[turn left] - switch car rotation button,
[turn right] - shift modifier.
Please, check if this works for you. We too shall test it later today.
You can read more about shift mode here.
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3 different outcomes on 2 buttons
I wrote a similar mail to the support, before I discovered this forum. So sorry for that.
I want to bind, that if I press two specific buttons at the same time, it puts out a 3rd button instead.
I know this is possible under "shortcuts", BUT I wan't this to happen too if I hold one of the two buttons for a longer time and press the other one later, what appears to not be possible. Plus, if I release one of the two buttons, it should go back to just the one button I'm pressing.
So in short, I want to have 3 buttons on 2.
Ofc I will buy all the licences, if it's possible somehow.
Thanks in advance :-)
PS.: Only read if you want to know the usecase:
In Rocket League you can have a dedicated button to switch the car rotation in the air, so if you press it, it overrides the yaw rotation axis with rolling rotation. But you can bind "airroll left" and "airroll right" as dedicated buttons too. What I want to do is to bind air roll left/right as dedicated buttons and switch to standard airroll if I press both of them together.Tags: None
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