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Disgaea 5 will not accept overriding remap

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  • Disgaea 5 will not accept overriding remap

    Basically I have an logitech F710 controller, which I want to use as an xbox controller with some key combos on the hold down button function. However, control refuses to function when remap is chosen with the hide physical controller option selected.

    When hide physical controller is not selected the game does not acknowledge hold down commands, double tap commands or any modified combination whatsoever. It just functions like a regular controller.

    Please help

  • #2

    It seems that the game doesn't detect a virtual controller. You may need to try a few things:

    - check the Windows native tool for controller testing: joy.cpl. Just type joy.cpl in the Windows search and open the suggested tool. Do you see the controller created after Apply? The physical controller should be hidden, so please check this option in Preferences again.

    If you see that the virtual controller is working in joy.cpl, then

    - restart the game with all launchers
    - try different types of virtual controllers: I think Xbox One and Xbox 360 both will be suitable for you

