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Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt SWIMMING - reWASD messes with it

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  • Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt SWIMMING - reWASD messes with it

    Using reWASD on Witcher 3 - everything fine, including walking around and mounted on horse. But when I get in water, something strange happens. I can dive and surface and move in a straight (or curved) line uninterrupted, but whenever I move the left stick around the axis (e.g. turning off to left or right) Geralt stops and treads water as if I'd removed my thumb completely from the stick (which I haven't). And then he stays there until I wiggle the stick around. IAs soon as I turn reWASD off (using the button in reWASD app) movement is normal again.

    None of the stick movements have been remapped, I've tried a brand new profile with no remapping whatsoever, but nothing I do solves the issue. It's like reWASD is interrupting or slowing down the controls buffer for the stick movements, or as if the game thinks the stick is recentring ever second or so.

    I'm on version 5.6.0. This problem happened, but much less severely, with the previous version.

  • #2
    Hi there!

    Can't really imagine what's happening from your description alone.

    Does left stick turns camera and right stick controls movement?
    Does deflecting left stick to left or max makes game ignore right stick?
    What controller are you using?
    Can you send/upload/share the config you're using?


    • #3
      Thanks for the response. Yes, right stick responsive 100% of the time (controls the camera). Everything works exactly as if reWASD was off (I haven't remapped either of the sticks or their functions) except that, in water, it's as if reWASD thinks I've let go of the left stick every time I move it to a different direction. It doesn't matter where on the axis it is, i.e. min, or max, the problem persists. As soon as I turn reWASD off, controller works fine. It's almost as if reWASD is throwing something into the control buffer which is interrupting it, like a keypress, or that the reWASD interface is cutting out.

      I'm using an official Xbox One controller, and reWASD detects it as such.

      Here's my config:
      (let me know if you want it in any other format)


      • #4
        Hi there,

        I did notice nothing strange in the provided config, except the "Alt" button mapping on the high shape zone of the left stick (screenshot). What does it do in the game? Please, try to remove it, re-apply the config and check stick behavior in the game.

        Also, the config, beside the controller's mappings, has keyboard mappings as well. Do you prefer to play with controller input or keyboard? I mean, do not create a virtual controller if you use both inputs, just add keyboard mappings to required controls.
        Don't worry! Be Happy!


        • #5
          Removed the 'Alt' button (thanks). Cannot find the keyboard mappings you mentioned.

          I'm pretty convinced this is a bug in reWASD - otherwise a brand new clean mapping would not reproduce the issue (which it does), and reverting to the previous version of reWASD would have no effect (it does: it reduces the problem). Left stick acts like reWASD sends a fraction of a second pause between directions.

          EDITED: I've managed to figure out that it is simply the diagonals (top-left, top-right, bottom-left, bottom-right) that aren't registering in water. That's why Geralt stops whenever I move the stick through one of these positions! However, rest of game (walking, riding) registers these positions fine.
          Last edited by lethe1977; 22.12.2020, 14:28.


          • #6
            SOLVED IT! Remapped the left stick to WASD (turned UNMAP on) and now the game registers the same system as the keyboard, i.e. no diagonal stick combos. Swims perfectly, continues to walk./ ride perfectly.

            And as there's an actual 'WASD' setting on the sticks, thanks to excellent reWASD design (you guys have thought of everything!) it was even easier. Thanks all!


            • #7
              Hi there,

              Great, glad to hear that. You may also unmap the whole controller to map keyboard bindings only, so the game will register the keyboard.
              Don't worry! Be Happy!


              • #8
                OK that was a FAIL because now, Geralt only moves at 45 degree angles when walking around! So back to the original problem: reWASD is causing problems with swimming in Witcher 3 - doesn't matter the version or the config. Maybe something to do with how the game interprets controller config in water, but the long and the short of it is: game likes XBox One controller, doesn't like reWASD controller in water when moving left stick through diagonal positions. Any ideas?


                • #9
                  The config you've linked insists on creating virtual gamepad, even through it is not needed. Click on the [Magic Wand] and disable any flags there:

                  Click image for larger version  Name:	image_2020-12-22_235608.png Views:	0 Size:	191.6 KB ID:	223057

                  You will need to have an option [Hide physical controller...] as [Preferences > Gamepads] enabled to change this.
                  And don't forget to remove the accidental [Alt] mapping from the zone of left stick.


                  • #10
                    Thanks Shion! Done.

                    OK guys I have to hold my hand up and admit, I've found the source of the problem - it was a MOD. Immersive Motion Re-Envisioned. It has an adjustment for swimming which didn't quite work with reWASD. If anyone has the same problem, it was in "" and was:

                    if( leftStickLength <= 0.9 )
                    speed = 0.

                    Once I commented out these two lines everything worked perfectly, with and without reWASD.

                    Feel like such an idiot! Sorry!


                    • #11
                      This explains, why it worked fine without reWASD. Our virtual gamepad operates within a circle shape, so maximum diagonal deflection value of a stick is somewhere around 70-80% (goes under 90% at around 30 degrees from horizon). And your controller stick seems to be shattered enough to go over 90% at the same position, which probably was the reason of reWASD "messing it up".

                      Glad you managed to solve this mystery.


                      • #12
                        Originally Posted by lethe1977 View Post
                        Thanks Shion! Done.

                        OK guys I have to hold my hand up and admit, I've found the source of the problem - it was a MOD. Immersive Motion Re-Envisioned. It has an adjustment for swimming which didn't quite work with reWASD. If anyone has the same problem, it was in "" and was:

                        if( leftStickLength <= 0.9 )
                        speed = 0.

                        Once I commented out these two lines everything worked perfectly, with and without reWASD.

                        Feel like such an idiot! Sorry!
                        Thanks so much! I had this exact problem but I really didn't want to disable the immersive motion mod. You saved me

