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Shift Mode Activiation, personal confusion and lack of understanding.

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  • Shift Mode Activiation, personal confusion and lack of understanding.

    I'm using a Steam controller and I'm trying to remap it so that when I press the B button it opens my inventory and remaps the the mouse to the joystick rather than the track pad.

    I'm at a total loss though.

    I tried using this help page, but since an update the screenshot here doesn't match the current layout.

    I feel like I've looked through the whole menu scheme to add a mapping option for Shift 1 and I can't seem to find it, any help would be appreciated.

  • #2

    Shift mode is exactly what you need, but I assume that the pic mislead you a bit.

    In order to use B button as a modifier, you need to go to Shift 1 (or any other) [1] and check "Use as Shift modifier" option [2] there. Then, inside this Shift, you should remap your trackpad to mouse [3]. Hope this screenshot will help:

    Click image for larger version

Name:	54edfaae9c.png
Views:	398
Size:	568.5 KB
ID:	223420


    • #3
      Thank you so much, thats exactly what I was looking for.


      • #4
        You are welcome!

        Have a great gaming experience

