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toggle a combo

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  • toggle a combo

    Is there a way to toggle a combination of keys? say L+R on the same button

  • #2
    You can archieve that with a little trick of using specific [Key Combo] with [Rapid fire]. To do that you need to have a combo similar to this one:

    Click image for larger version

Name:	image_2021-01-15_031149.png
Views:	548
Size:	40.8 KB
ID:	223548

    and enable [Toggle] flag for that mapping:

    Click image for larger version

Name:	image_2021-01-15_031310.png
Views:	391
Size:	16.5 KB
ID:	223549

    The key points are:
    - to have delay between keys at zero;
    - to have all "press" nodes before the pause;
    - pause must be longer than the time you're planning to have it held it for. Because once that timer is out - all buttons in that combo will be released for a moment.


    • #3
      I will try it thanks, there should be a native option though

