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Execute at once not firing if i let go of button too fast

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  • Execute at once not firing if i let go of button too fast

    Im using a ps4 controller and it seems that if i have a button mapped to a key combo on a shift other than the main one if i let go of either the mapped key or the shift key before the execute at one is done it doesnt fully fire? Is there any way to fix this?

  • #2

    May I ask you some details, please. You have a combo in shift layout and the combo is discontinued firing when you release shift modifier button? What combo do you have there?

    Please send me the config you are using. Your configs are stored here: C:\Users\Public\Documents\reWASD\Profiles
    I need the correspondent *.rewasd file.
    Don't worry! Be Happy!


    • #3
      Namely shift 2 the X button mapping is the main culprit if i just tap the button it does not do the full key combo i get just the first button press
      Attached Files


      • #4
        Hey there!

        I have modified your config a bit. Please check whether it works as expected now.

        To try it, download the attached file, double-click on it and confirm the import.
        Attached Files


        • #5
          I tried it and it still seems to have the same issue, what did you change exactly?


          • #6
            I have changed X button in Main configuration. It is remapped to the virtual A with Unmap. In this case, no matter how fast I release the shift modifier or the button itself, combo always works to the end, and X button in Main configuration could be activated only if you press it one more time after you leave the shift.

            Could you please describe the exact button order you press when the combo is stopped? Interesting thing, even with your original config, I could not stop combo switching between shifts — the problem was with X button that was pressed simultaneously with a combo and was fixed with Unmap hack.

