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Is it possible to have a key combo activate on release of a button?

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  • Is it possible to have a key combo activate on release of a button?

    I'm trying to set up a control scheme where a macro is activated on release of a button. Sadly there is no option for this is the release activator setting. Is there a way to do this?

  • #2

    Unfortunately, there is no such option in reWASD right now, but we are planning to add it in one of the next versions (no exact ETA at the moment). Stay tuned


    • #3
      Ah that's a shame. Is there any work around? Could I do it by using reWASD in combination with AutoHotkey?


      • #4
        You can try both apps if it works for you. However, I should note that reWASD recognizes the physical input from keyboard while AHK sends the virtual one, so in some cases, both apps won't work together properly.


        • #5
          Hey there!

          We have released reWASD 6.2 which allows you to set Combos to Start and Release activators. Please download the latest build from the official site or update from the app itself.


          • #6
            Originally Posted by reWASDer View Post
            Hey there!

            We have released reWASD 6.2 which allows you to set Combos to Start and Release activators. Please download the latest build from the official site or update from the app itself.
            Podrías poner un ejemplo de esto??


            • #7
              Por supuesto. Abra cualquier botón que desee reasignar, luego vaya a Inicio (1) o Suelte (2) presione. Luego, presione el botón Combo> (3) y agregue la secuencia que necesita.

              Sure. Open any button you want to remap, then go to Start (1) or Release (2) press. Then, press Combo> button (3) and add the sequence you need.

              Click image for larger version

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