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Does reWASD Allow For Cycle Commands? 8-Way D-Pad Capability?

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  • Does reWASD Allow For Cycle Commands? 8-Way D-Pad Capability?

    Hi all,

    I've been a Pinnacle Gamer Profile user for years but unfortunately the developer has passed away and the Xbox Series X controller is not supported with it. That new "Share" button on the X Series X controller is really handy for "shift" profiles on the controller. Microsoft also stopped producing Xbox One controllers and will only produce Series X controllers.

    Then I came across reWASD. I've already setup numerous profiles and really like the software. However, I have a few unanswered questions:

    1) Is there a way to enable 8-way support for the D-pad? All I could find is 4-way support in the menu, unless it's hidden somewhere? The joysticks seem to allow for 8-way support though.

    2) It seems that, while I can assign key bindings to the additional 4-way (diagonals) joystick directions, I cannot name them? If not, can you allow naming these too in a future update? It makes the button overview screen easier to quickly glance at for all my controller keybindings.

    3) Cycle Commands ... Is it possible to use these in reWASD?

    For example, the classic DOS "Rise of the Triad" (well, using WinROTT) has numerous cheat codes. For instance, There are numerous explosive weapons I can give myself but can only have one at a time. If I enter any of the following cheats, it'll basically replace the explosive weapon I have with the new one just entered with the new cheat code. Cheat commands are /GW4, /GW5, /GW6, /GW7, /GW8. In Pinnacle, you can assign a "Command" name for each one of these macros / keypresses. (/GW4 = "Explosive Weapon 1," /GW5 = "Explosive Weapon 2," etc). Then I could assign a button on my Xbox One controller to basically cycle through each one of these macros / keypresses in order, each time that button was pressed.

    I basically want to assign a button ("A" in this example) to cycle a cheat in order each time I press it. So if I press "A" once, it yields /GW4. If I press "A" again, it yields /GW5 .. and so one. Once I keep hitting "A" and pass /GW8 and press "A" again, I want it to start back to /GW4 again, and the order repeats

    Is this possible to do in reWASD? I really hope it is.

  • #2
    1) Possible with either [Shortcuts] (has some limitations) or [Shifts] (will have to use at least 2 of them just for this).

    The [Shortcuts] way is easy to set up, just go to the list and add 4 combinations. But this will add delay when pressing only one D-Pad button, will work only when two buttons are pressed within that "delay" and you'll have to release all buttons in a shortcut for it to fire again.

    [Shifts] way would require for at least two opposite buttons to be set as shift modifiers. Then you will only have to remap nearby buttons to whatever you want in said shifts. Though if only 2 buttons are set as modifiers, the diagonal direction mapping will work only when modifier button is pressed first, so you might need to set all 4 buttons as shift modifiers to counter that.

    2) Can't tell. At least it won't happen with the next update.

    3) That's what [Combo break] node of [Key Combo] is for. With each trigger of activator it will "play" the combo nodes from the last to the next [Combo break] node.


    • #3
      1) That would be cumbersome for my application. In PGP I assigned the 8 hotkey items to the 8 directions of the D-pad (Oblivion). What I did in reWASD is actually assign them to the left joystick with 8-way directions after using the "share" button on the Xbox Series X controller as a shift modifier. Works good enough now.

      2) Taking the point above into consideration, yes it would be great if this name functionality could be added soon for the 4 diagonal directions too.

      3) Fantastic news! I'll mess around with the ROTT profile tomorrow but if I can get it to work as in PGP, I'm happy.


      • #4
        I have another question. When I go into shift mode to one of the other shift mode templates (orange, green, blue, or purple), I do not want any button assignments available to be used in other shift mode or the regular, unshifted mode. How do I do this? in PGP, once in a shift mode, only the key assignments in that shift mode were available to be used in that shift mode.


        • #5
          Hey. All buttons in the shift mode have the same mapping by default as in the main configuration. The mappings in each shift mode remain their own, but you can copy them (right mouse button - copy) and paste into another shift.


          • #6
            Originally Posted by RAM Stealer View Post
            Hey. All buttons in the shift mode have the same mapping by default as in the main configuration. The mappings in each shift mode remain their own, but you can copy them (right mouse button - copy) and paste into another shift.
            Right ... but what I'm asking is how to disable all other button mappings in all other shit mods and main config so ONLY the button assignments in a shift mode are available when in that shift mode.


            • #7
              Hey there!

              You need to use Do not inherit option that appears in reWASD mapping list for all controls inside Shift:

              Click image for larger version

Name:	2a8ecbc04d.png
Views:	782
Size:	89.2 KB
ID:	225141

              You will need to choose this option for all the controls that should not inherit the mapping from the Main configuration.


              • #8
                Thank you for all the input. The PGP to reWASD profile transfer project is coming along.

                Going back to my original question number 3 above ... and your reply of "Combo break" for that purpose ... can I link 2 buttons to the same key pattern with combo break?
                For instance, in Rise of the Trial, the following keys will be in an order with a "Combo break" inbetween: 1, 2, 3, Enter ... back to 1, etc. Binding one controller button to this order ("A" for instance) is no problem. Essentially, this is like a "Weapon Forward Select" function on the "A" button. But if I want a "Weapon Back Select" button binded to controller button "B" for instance, can I somehow have "B" link to the same pattern that's linked to controller button "A" but will go the opposite direction instead: Enter, 3, 2, 1, ... back to Enter, etc? And have "B" start exactly where "A" leaves off ... regarding the key order?


                • #9
                  Unfortunately, this is not possible yet, but in the future we are thinking of adding such a possibility.
                  I propose to make to the other button is the same in reverse.


                  • #10
                    Originally Posted by RAM Stealer View Post
                    Unfortunately, this is not possible yet, but in the future we are thinking of adding such a possibility.
                    I propose to make to the other button is the same in reverse.
                    Noted. I'll just do weapon forward for now and wait for this improvement to be made in the future. Thanks.


                    • #11
                      Hey there!

                      This is a pretty interesting case 1 being able to revert the combo with a break.
                      I am not sure if we could accomplish this thing soon, but we will do our best.

