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need help using AutoHotKey with reWASD

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  • need help using AutoHotKey with reWASD

    Im emulating a controller with reWASD to use my KB as controller and triying to complement with AHK Scripts but when reWASD remaping is ON AHK Scripts not work, this make sense because my keyboard is acting like a controller and AHK only acepts Keyboard Keystrokes, i thought about using the function to create reWASD macros but i need AHK because my scripts uses conditionals (if), theres any way to work with both correctly? also i need that the keyboard keystrokes do not be reached by the game because this makes conflicts with both devices(keyboard/controller)
    if theres another way to make this please let me know
    i would appreciate your help, thank you!

  • #2
    Unfortunately, it will not work to mute the native keyboard input and make the AHK recognize its pressing.
    Tell us what combo you want to make. Perhaps we can figure out how to implement it in reWASD.


    • #3
      My ahk script get an specific pixel status and i have a function that works with an if conditional then sends a series of keys depending on if result


      • #4
        Can you describe what exactly you do in this way? Perhaps we will add this to the reWASD in the future.

        Unfortunately, at the moment we cannot make AHK fully work with reWASD.


        • #5
          the goal of this script is verifify a specific pixel status then depending the result the script send some keystrokes, in fortnite theres two combat modes (building/shooting) in controller you switch between this modes pressing one button, so when the script read this pixel i can know what is the actual mode that you are, in keyboard you switch this modes without having to press this switch button (because keyboard have more keys and do not need the switcher) so i need to emulate this
          characteristic on my virtual controller


          • #6
            Hey there!

            There is a kind of workaround for building in Fortnite we also have. Maybe you could try this one?

            reWASD has a feature called Activators. And you can map a key on Start press (the mapping will reproduce at the moment when the button is pressed), Single press (it's a regular mapping that reproduces after the button and pressed and until the button is released), and Release press (this mapping reproduces after you release the key).

            n the case of building in Fortnite, we have come up with an idea to map: B to Start press LB/RB/LT/RT to Single press WITH Turbo B to Release press What happens in game: after you press the key, you go to build mode because of B on Start Press, then LB/RB/LT/RT is Toggled to build continuously, and when you release the button B reproduces to get you out of build mode.

            This is how it will look in reWASD:

            You can change the Turbo pause to an amount that is comfortable to build.

            Also, if your goal is not about Turbo, you can just map B as Start and Release activators and leave the final action as a simple Single press. This way, when you press and hold the key, you will go to the Building mode, put the structure and leave the Building mode once this key is released.


            • #7
              Hey thanks for that alternative solution, unfortunately is not ideal and I can't edit when I hold the key, so if we cannot make an interaction with rewasd and ahk i think this is impossible

