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is there Virtual Mouse smoothing?

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  • is there Virtual Mouse smoothing?

    Hi everyone, as always I love everything reWASD does, it has mostly done replaced everything I used to do with steam big picture! thanks everyone in the team

    I've been having this problem, more specifically with the virtual mouse, and that it's not as "snappy" as I'd like it to be, I like to use gyro as mouse in most of my controllers and reWASD in particular has never felt quite "there", updates have not changed anything and different controllers all have the same result, I've tested the dual sense, the DS4, joycons (bluetooth and with charging grip), and steam controller and all get the same problem and have that same feeling, steam input configurator and Joyshock mapper definitely feel way better for gyro, So I was still using them, I've asked for other opinions in some discord servers here and there and people seem to agree that rewasd gyro is still not there

    But today I was using my steam controller with rewasd, wanted to do some stuff with the trackpads and turns out the mouse using the trackpads has that same feeling too! so I'm here wondering, maybe reWASD gyro is perfectly fine, and what's happening is that the virtual mouse that uses rewasd has some kind of smoothing going on, It definitely feels like there's some input lag and I feel like that's mostly the reason the gyro doesn't feel quite there, I've set up some aimlab testing using steam vs rewasd with my steam controller and i definitely underperform with rewasd

    I've played around with the settings for the virtual mouse and nothing changed it either, nor I seem to find anyone talk about it in the forum using the search function, I would appreciate any help! thank you

  • #2
    The default troubleshooting for the mouse feels are next steps:
    1. Check the in-game settings. Pay attention to the stick settings for the camera. You should minimize the deadzone there + it is better to tune the sensitivity a bit, increase it.
    2. Do not set a big deadzone in reWASD. Start from the default one and make it a bit bigger or smaller if you need (screenshot). If there are no deadzone settings in the game, you may need to make the gray zone for the Deflection bigger. Please follow 1, 2, 3 steps to tune the correct stick.
    3. It is important to understand that stick works differently. So, if you need to turn faster, you need to move your mouse longer, not faster. Also, you can try this workaround with zones described in the video.
    4. Noise Filter, Sensitivity and Smoothing option that you could find in Advanced mouse settings here (screenshot), depend on a mouse you have. It is better to tune them one by one and check the results in the game — it is pretty hard to define the best values without trying.
    In my opinion, the most affect to the cursor movement is the responsive curve. Please try using different values for X and Y axis. It takes a while, but it makes it to work better.
    Still, it will never be the same as using the actual mouse, as you are simply using the mouse cursor emulation using other controls. It will feel different anyway and there is no way to make it feel like the actual mouse does.


    • #3
      Hey there!

      We have remade the gyro a few releases ago, and right now, get pretty positive feedback about it. Please try the following things:

      - Re-calibrate the gyro in reWASD (from the context menu of the active gamepad with gyro at the bottom left)
      - Try to minimize the deadzone if it feels too big
      - Try different curves, the curve has a huge customization potential

      As for the trackpads, I think you miss the trackball option that is available in Steam and that is why the movement is a bit different. We will add this one in the upcoming releases.


      • #4
        Thank you for responses, sadly I've tried all kind of custom curves and none are quite there, I've somewhat settled with this one as this one got recommended by another rewasd user:

        Click image for larger version

Name:	reWASD_yNh4GweT0q.png
Views:	1390
Size:	74.1 KB
ID:	225712

        you can still feel the smoothing sadly, I was paranoid about it and I ran a few tests in aimlab and I'm sure rewasd is the odd one out,

        here are my results with similar configs (similar feeling in mouse sensitivity, no accel)

        I did a few runs and picked the best one, all of these were run with a dual sense

        Steam gyro: (all rounds were between 40k and 47k, did around 6 rounds and picked the best one):

        Click image for larger version

Name:	AimLab_tb_IIknGb6wSh.png
Views:	1542
Size:	866.2 KB
ID:	225716

        reWASD gyro (around 15 rounds, picked the best one too, all others were around the 30k-32k):

        Click image for larger version

Name:	AimLab_tb_YiecTzR7qT.jpg
Views:	1549
Size:	377.4 KB
ID:	225713

        Bonus: one round with ds4windows out of the box:

        Click image for larger version

Name:	AimLab_tb_6VW6eXnuqN.png
Views:	1545
Size:	866.6 KB
ID:	225714

        The way I'd describe differently the problem is that with rewasd I feel a "friction" between my input and the crosshair, with other software the crosshair is at the point where I already expect it, with rewasd I feel like I have to wait a bit more for the crosshair to be there, maybe it's not "smoothing" per se, maybe it's just input lag, I'm not sure, all I can tell you is that it doesn't feel as good as other software.

        Using the trackpad on the SC with rewasd I could feel something similar as well, so I THINK I felt the problem is the virtual mouse that rewasd generates and not on the gyro, of course, it's just a theory, and no, I don't use the trackball mode in Steam input

        thanks for your hard work! hopefully

        Attached Files


        • #5
          Thank you for the detailed reply!

          Frankly speaking, you have pretty interesting Response curve. Usually, we recommend using a "sharper" one. But of course tastes differ.

          I would also want to mention Virtual Mouse sensitivity option that we have for Gyro, Sticks, Trackpads (1) and for the config itself (2):

          Click image for larger version  Name:	bee59650de.png Views:	0 Size:	602.9 KB ID:	225718

          Also, there is one more thing we could improve here: the mouse smoothing you have mentioned in the first post. We have a constant number of points for the smoother movements, but it may be a good idea to make this value adjustable. We will add this option to the GUI, and I hope it could help in this case.


          • #6
            thank you for your answer and considering adding it to the GUI! I will report back if it gets added.

            you're definitely right than a more aggressive curve would be good, at the end and after trial and error I'm more comfortable with something closer to this

            Click image for larger version

Name:	reWASD_ZoySutMSXm.png
Views:	1311
Size:	58.5 KB
ID:	225721
            It definitely feels like I'm hitting closer to 40k with this one so it's definitely an improvement! the dragging is still present, but it's definitely an improvement, it also feels more snappy, I feel like more aggressive curves also don't feel that good, so this one's the sweetspot for me

            mouse sensitivity also helps! but I feel like what it does more than anything is hide the problem more than anything


            • #7
              Yep, those settings are pretty powerful, the main problem is too find the right ones

              I will definitely let you know once we add Smoothing parameter to the GUI. I hope it won't take long.


              • #8
                I think it'd be great if more gyro settings were exposed to the user. Things like smoothing and report rate (if changeable), as well as the ability to calibrate as a command that can be mapped to a button.

                I will say that even though there is smoothing I feel no delay, using the gyro on a switch joycon. Even small 'wiggle' movements are perfectly responsive. So whatever filtering is already done I feel is a good balance between responsiveness and smoothness, but yes it would be good to be able to adjust it.


                • #9
                  We will add Smoothing to reWASD, thank you for the suggestion!

                  There is no way to change the polling rate. We analyze each and every movement that the gamepad reports. For Nintendo controllers, it is not that fast, so the only thing we could do is to make it less responsive, but it will make it much worse.

                  The calibration requires to put the controller on the table for a few seconds. If you press a button, even when the controller is on the table, a slight shake will be detected. Also, the calibrated data will be applied only after the config is re-applied. At the moment, I do not see if the command (mapping) could make this process easier, sorry. The calibration is available from the GUI (the context menu at the bottom left). Also, we have a command to bring the gyro to the zero point for Tilt mode. But with Gyro mode, it seems to be illogical.


                  • #10
                    Originally Posted by reWASDer View Post
                    We will add Smoothing to reWASD, thank you for the suggestion!

                    There is no way to change the polling rate. We analyze each and every movement that the gamepad reports. For Nintendo controllers, it is not that fast, so the only thing we could do is to make it less responsive, but it will make it much worse.

                    The calibration requires to put the controller on the table for a few seconds. If you press a button, even when the controller is on the table, a slight shake will be detected. Also, the calibrated data will be applied only after the config is re-applied. At the moment, I do not see if the command (mapping) could make this process easier, sorry. The calibration is available from the GUI (the context menu at the bottom left). Also, we have a command to bring the gyro to the zero point for Tilt mode. But with Gyro mode, it seems to be illogical.
                    I see. My issue is since I use two (left/right) Joycon which are grouped the Calibration context option does not appear anymore so I can't manually do it unless I ungroup my controllers to do so. Could you possibly go into more detail on how the auto-calibration works? Do I just set it down on a flat surface and wait X seconds?


                    • #11
                      Oh, I see. The question about the grouped Joy-Cons is a tricky thing, we have already got some complaints about it, so we will see what is possible to do.

                      Auto-calibration doesn't require any actions from your side — it always works when the Gyro is on. Do you feel that manual calibration (when you need to put the gamepad and wait) is better?


                      • #12
                        Originally Posted by reWASDer View Post
                        Oh, I see. The question about the grouped Joy-Cons is a tricky thing, we have already got some complaints about it, so we will see what is possible to do.

                        Auto-calibration doesn't require any actions from your side — it always works when the Gyro is on. Do you feel that manual calibration (when you need to put the gamepad and wait) is better?
                        I do but it could be totally placebo. I'm just someone who prefers to have total control if it's available There is also the fact that my Joycon don't sit 'flat' on a surface because they have contoured grip, so it could be calibrating incorrectly if it is at rest but really the gyro is sitting at an angle different than I hold it. I'm not sure if the auto calibration takes things like that into account of if it just looks at it being 'still'.


                        • #13
                          Originally Posted by jeynos View Post

                          I do but it could be totally placebo. I'm just someone who prefers to have total control if it's available There is also the fact that my Joycon don't sit 'flat' on a surface because they have contoured grip, so it could be calibrating incorrectly if it is at rest but really the gyro is sitting at an angle different than I hold it. I'm not sure if the auto calibration takes things like that into account of if it just looks at it being 'still'.
                          I think auto calibration should help. It's just that the gyroscope is not a strong point of Joy Cons.


                          • #14
                            Please feel free to check the setting in the newest 5.7.1 version. It is released now!


                            • #15
                              The gyro smoothing option is great, it's crazy to see how much work it's doing on the default setting when you turn it all the way down. I think whatever filtering rewasd is using does a great job because at the default 10 it detects fine micro-movements really well without any noticeable lag, which is always the killer for any kind of filtering/smoothing.

