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Unable to use shift-1 only on Logitech G402

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  • Unable to use shift-1 only on Logitech G402

    Hello. This may be my own mistake but I wanted to take my chances, I only want to use the shift-1 layer so I can use my mouse scroll while editing video with the option to return it to normal functionality. but ReWASD isn't shifting, here's a step by step of what I'm doing:

    - Use Logitech GHub to set side button as F16
    - Using ReWasd Select Logitech g402, set as Xbox 360 (EDIT: Now setting it up correctly but the issue persists, so this step wasn't the problem)
    - Select F16 to toggle to shift-1, it even is detected correctly when I open the dropdown menu and press the side button to choose it as the shift-toggle key
    - Save and Apply

    But now whenever I press the side button it seems as if ReWASD isn't detecting it anymore, no shift notification and nothing applied in shift-1 is being detected. Side button/F16 is correctly detected in any keyboard checker so at this point ReWASD is just not detecting it anymore. Any help is appreciated.
    Last edited by FightingGamesOldDude; 24.05.2021, 17:21.

  • #2

    - Using ReWasd Select Logitech g402, set as Xbox 360
    I am not sure if I understand you correctly. Are you trying to remap the virtual controller that is created with your mouse? In your case, you need to remap a mouse as a physical device.

    Use Detection mode to find the correct Mouse. This will help determine that the remap is being assigned to the correct device.


    • #3
      Whoops yeah my mistake there. But still removing that step the issue persists. When using detection mode the mouse is correctly detected and the side button is being detected as a keyboard key (F16). But still shift-1 isn't being activated with the side button.


      • #4

        Thanks for the details! If the detection is correct, then let's check the config. Your configs are stored here: C:\Users\Public\Documents\reWASD\Profiles
        I need the correspondent *.rewasd file. You can upload it here.

        And one more thing to check: Toggle Shift requires the additional feature — Rapid Fire. Please go to the License (an icon with a key at the bottom right) and check whether it is active (have trial days in the title or already purchased).


        • #5
          Here it is. I hope it's my mistake so it can be easily fixed hehe.
          Attached Files


          • #6
            The config looks good. Could you please check the License please? Sorry, I have added this note a bit after the post was published.

            And one more thing to check: Toggle Shift requires the additional feature — Rapid Fire. Please go to the License (an icon with a key at the bottom right) and check whether it is active (have trial days in the title or already purchased).


            • #7
              Yeah my license shows as Paid Licence with Serial Number and System ID, and I just retried and no key selected as shift-1 works in my mouse, so it seems like a larger issue.


              • #8
                Just tried with a Keyboard that I have mapped as a Xbox One controller and shifting works correctly. I think it something related to my mouse.


                • #9
                  Regarding the license: Paid one could include the advanced features or not. I am referring to this particular one:

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	add9c6ff4c.png
Views:	343
Size:	199.5 KB
ID:	225732

                  If you can't "hook" this key in the list anymore, please re-check which device you are using. Logitech creates two virtual devices (which are also shown in our GUI), but the correct one for your case is a physical as far as we know (though, we do not have this particular model, so it may be a chance that you should re-check all of them).


                  • #10
                    Originally Posted by FightingGamesOldDude View Post
                    Just tried with a Keyboard that I have mapped as a Xbox One controller and shifting works correctly. I think it something related to my mouse.
                    Oh, OK. Then seems we should check those devices


                    • #11
                      It shows as a single device, it even auto tagged itself as gaming mouse.
                      Attached Files


                      • #12
                        Good, thank you for the details!

                        When you remapped your side mouse button to F16, have you checked on-board memory in the native software? It is required to be shown properly in reWASD.


                        • #13
                          Welp it works now, but I also needed to use software mode to access all the mouse features. Well at least I found out why it didn't work.


                          • #14
                            Oh, that's great! Thanks for letting me know. And thank you for the information about this feature of your mouse.


                            • #15
                              Ok done, this issue of mine seemed to be worsened by the fact that I use a wired G402, a wireless K220 and a wireless K360, it sure made a mess with ReWASD's device detection so I hope this helps anyone else that lands with the same issue.for anyone that wants to use Logitech GHub software mode + ReWASD.
                              It goes like this. You will have to sacrifice a keyboard for this so be sure to not use them for any other games or such.

                              - Using GHub map one of your mouse keys into a keyboard key.
                              - Go to ReWASD and use detection mode and use your remapped mouse key, it will be detected as one of your connected keyboards (this was the base of the issue since Logitech's virtual mouse was also detected as one of my physical keyboards)
                              - Grab your mouse and keyboard and group them as a single device.
                              - Now ReWASD will correctly detect your keyboard and mouse remappings even if you use GHub's software mode.

                              Thanks for your help ReWASD tech support, it seems that you actually nailed the issue but it got messy with Logitech's messy drivers. Thanks and cheers!

