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Mapping a Combo to Loop a Button

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  • Mapping a Combo to Loop a Button

    Hello there!
    I'm new to reWASD and was searching like hell for a solution.
    I was playing around with the combo tool because I want to activate a loop which presses "F" on the keyboard all the time without me to do anything more than pressing the button which is associated with the combo. I want to use it to farm AFK on a game. With "F" on my keyboard I can interact with ressources in the game, the ressource will be taken and after a certain cooldown it respawns at the same place, so I thought it would be way more practical to keep my character farming while I am taking a cigarette break e. g.
    To do so, I have chosen "Execute At Once" in first row but I'm affraid that this will not work due to the limitation of repetition. With "Hold To Execute" - on the other hand - I'm affraid to not make it work the way I want and also always have to make sure, that something weightful keeps pressing the button.

    As you can see on the picture, this is what my combo currently looks like:

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Unbenannt.jpg
Views:	1552
Size:	204.3 KB
ID:	228220

    The "F10" Key on my keyboard shall be activating a loop of repetetive pressing "F" until I make it stop.
    As you can see I was just spaming the iterations up to maximum and also increased the duration of the combo (= Pressing ,F' -> Releasing ,F' -> Pressing ,F' -> Releasing ,F' ... ]).

    Has anyone an idea or a solution how I can activate the intended loop-combo of endless repetition of pressing- and releasing the "F" Key until I manualy stop it? Because if I'm right, the current setting of this combo will not gurantee a combo which works endless but also can't find any option to create such a endless loop-combo.

    I'm really thankful for any kind of advise, solution or help!
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  • #2
    There are 2 ways to loop the button in your case:

    Method #1.

    1. Add a pause after releasing the "F" key in "Execute at once" mode. This pause should correspond to what the break should be between repeats of the combo. (1000ms = 1 sec)
    2. Specify number of iterations for combo (in your case it's correct, 9999 iterations basically should be enough for AFK farming and probably after the break you'll stop combo manually before all iterations are played )

    The screenshot attached below the post shows an example with a combo that repeats 9999 times with a delay of 10 minutes (600,000 ms).

    3. "Pause between iterations" is essentially unnecessary in your case, because it works the same as the pause at the end of your combo. So in your example, these pauses simply add up.

    I recommend checking out this article, which has all the information about the key combo feature.

    Method #2

    Remove the number of iterations, leave the same pause at the end of your combo, and just turn on "toggle" for that mapping. The effect will be exactly the same as in the first method.

    But you need to have the additional Rapid Fire feature.
    Attached Files

