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Playstation Now Mouse & Cyborg issues

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  • Playstation Now Mouse & Cyborg issues

    Hello, I finally decided to play The Last of Us series on PS Now for PC. reWASD was a snap getting my Xbox controller to act like a PS4 one but I haven't had the same success getting my Cyborg & mouse to work properly.

    Currently I have my Cyborg setup to run the left analog stick plus most of the standard/touch-screen buttons with my mouse running the right analog stick and the bumper/trigger buttons. When I bring up the virtual device tester overlay in reWASD I can see all the buttons working as PS4 with the exception of the touch-screen presses.

    When I load PS Now it seems to recognize my Cyborg & mouse as a controller and it allows me to run "The Last of Us" but before I was using the PS4 option button to start the game and now it doesn't work. I can press the PS button and bring up the menu and go up and down the options with my devices so I know it's detecting it as a controller but I cannot press start for whatever reason. I disabled virtual devices in the reWASD options and unmapped the mouse buttons which fixed an issue of triggering the PS Now menu when I was moving the mouse but now I can't start the game like I could before.

    I appreciate any help as I believe I have most things setup properly but I must be missing something lol 🤦‍♂️

  • #2
    Please send screenshots of your config, or the config itself.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	42783f9c9f.jpg
Views:	376
Size:	84.8 KB
ID:	228431


    • #3
      Hey there!

      Also, please ensure that you apply a config before you start PS Now app. And this icon should be chosen in PS Now:

      Click image for larger version

Name:	e0f7640d32.jpg
Views:	352
Size:	13.5 KB
ID:	228438
      It means that you are in a controller mode, and gamepad is a primary device.


      • #4
        Hello folks thanks again for your help. Took me a bit to find the profile but that should be the correct one. I am going to try it again right now and look for that icon on PS Now.

        On an unrelated note the game has a shake-control-mechanic for flashlights, is it possible to bind something to mimic the gyro/accelerometer of a PS4 controller? I believe the answer is no but just asking.

        Grateful for the help as always... ❤
        Attached Files


        • #5
          OK so it gets stranger. I found the icon in the PS Now UI and yes I can select it and I've used the Cyborg as a controller to move around the menu and select TLOU to run. That being said I found most of my binds were in the wrong place on the Cyborg. I did remap my Xbox controller as I wanted to play a bit this afternoon, did binding that controller possibly mess up the Cyborg? They both come up as "gamepads" so maybe I can't have the Cyborg and the Xbox controller together?

          The issue still stands that I cannot press start to run the game but I can use the keys in the menu and they operate like a PS4 controller. The touchpad-presses also still aren't working. When PS Now is in controller-mode the menu UI does go away so I think the mouse is behaving like the PS4 right stick.

          We're closer but more mysteries have unfolded lol 🔮


          • #6

            For this config, it is better to disable the Xbox controller or add it to the group. All the devices should be grouped in order to emulate the input on behalf of the same device.
            Please show me your group, like here:

            Click image for larger version  Name:	cb2245abf0.jpg Views:	0 Size:	35.0 KB ID:	228452

            We also noticed that you do not have a touchpad click. Better to assign it, as it may also be needed in a game that uses a touchpad.

            Originally Posted by Reloaded44 View Post
            On an unrelated note the game has a shake-control-mechanic for flashlights, is it possible to bind something to mimic the gyro/accelerometer of a PS4 controller? I believe the answer is no but just asking.
            At the moment, there is no such functionality. We do plan to add it in the future, but I am not sure if it happens soon.

