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PSNow + Bloodborne + Rewasd

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  • PSNow + Bloodborne + Rewasd


    does anyone have any experience with using rewasd for bloodborne over ps now?
    The only thing that has been keeping me from playing is the need for a controller-
    I'd much prefer to use mouse and keyboard instead. Has anyone tried it out? How well does it work?
    I'd probably need rewasd and advanced mapping, right?


  • #2

    Our team has people with experience playing Bloodborne with reWASD, and based on this experience, I can say that reWASD works great with Bloodborne.
    In this article, you can find a complete description of the basic and additional functionality of reWASD in order to better understand what functionality you need.

    I also want to note that in Bloodborne there are actions such as clicking on the right or left side of the touchpad.
    In reWASD, this can be emulated by creating a custom combo. This article provides general information on touchpad emulation, as well as how to make such a combo.

    This I am leading to the fact that you may also need the Combo feature for this. Advanced mapping is required too. Both have 3-day trial period


    • #3
      So, I've started the trial periods for rewasd, combo and advanced mapping.
      I've experimented around a bit with both my own configs as well as downloaded configs for PSNow.
      So far no luck The keys seem to work fine, but I just can't get the mouse input to work.
      After applying changes and activating remap, the mouse cursor isn't captured for some reason.
      I've tried both sticks in mapped and unmapped mode. Still won't work.
      I've also tried to unmap all sticks from what I assume is the virtual controller.

      Hardware: G502 (mouse) and a Redragon mechanical keyboard.

      Click image for larger version

Name:	rewasd_config1.png
Views:	1021
Size:	452.0 KB
ID:	228627


      • #4
        It may be a chance that the device initialization is not completed correctly. Please follow these steps:

        1. Ungroup the Keyboard and Mouse, so all the devices are shown separately in the bottom left corner of the main window.
        2. Use Detection mode to find the correct Keyboard and Mouse. If you press the mouse button but see keyboard in reWASD, then you will need to re-initialize it (from the contextual menu of an active device)
        3. After you are sure about all the devices, please group Mouse and Keyboard and try to Apply your config and test it in a game

        As I can see, you have chosen Logitech Virtual Device. This one should not be used. You need to find a "real" mouse (I think it should be named as G502).

