1. Based on several people I know they have stated that ReWASD creates input lag when playing games such FPS with a controller.
I plan on using hardwire usb-c to my Xbox Elite Series 2 controller, would this decrease input lag? Are there suggestions to reduce input lag. I tried today to play Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War and experienced input lag.
2. Can you assign all the natural buttons of the xbox elite series 2 controller and also one of the back side paddles to a keyboard key such as F6 or F7 basically a keyboard key that is not needed in the game? If so how would you recommend doing this? If not, what do you recommend?
3. I downloaded the attached file from someone that created a ReWASD Call of Duty Elite Series 2 controller configuration, can you explain the paddles with the clock and pause between C keyboard key like what is its purpose? Config 1.rewasd
If question 1 relates to having a virtual controller vs hardware can you explain what would be better in my situation as I want to ensure I have all the funciton of the controller specifically all the buttons, triggers, joysticks, bumpers, etc, all except the paddles which I want to utilize 2 for keyboard keys and 2 for controller buttons.
I plan on using hardwire usb-c to my Xbox Elite Series 2 controller, would this decrease input lag? Are there suggestions to reduce input lag. I tried today to play Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War and experienced input lag.
2. Can you assign all the natural buttons of the xbox elite series 2 controller and also one of the back side paddles to a keyboard key such as F6 or F7 basically a keyboard key that is not needed in the game? If so how would you recommend doing this? If not, what do you recommend?
3. I downloaded the attached file from someone that created a ReWASD Call of Duty Elite Series 2 controller configuration, can you explain the paddles with the clock and pause between C keyboard key like what is its purpose? Config 1.rewasd
If question 1 relates to having a virtual controller vs hardware can you explain what would be better in my situation as I want to ensure I have all the funciton of the controller specifically all the buttons, triggers, joysticks, bumpers, etc, all except the paddles which I want to utilize 2 for keyboard keys and 2 for controller buttons.