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Right stick not responsive
Amazing! It s breeze to use Joycon now. Thank you!!!
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Wonderful! I will install the latest build and give it a try. Will feedback whether it fixes the issue.
Thank you!
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We have re-posted the new build 5615 on our website, which fixed the issue with the limitation of the Nintendo controller sticks when connected via BT.
Try installing this version.
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The build is
Thank you for your kind assistance.
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Could you please check the exact build number for me? We had a few 6.1 iterations due to some fixes.
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Which controller do you use? Is it Nintendo controller or maybe a clone of Nintendo controller?
Also, one more question: which exact reWASD version you are using? You can check it if you go to Preferences (at the bottom right) -> General tab.
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Right stick not responsive
My gamepad right thumbstick responses slowly. The look around also very slow. Be it in gameplay or PS4 remote, they are slow when looking upward or looking left as compare to other views.
I have set to aggressive mode but it does not help. I tried adjusting deadzone but it drifts without movement.
Any advise would be very much appreciated.Tags: None
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