Hi! This is my first post
I'm making a Crusader Kings III config for my DualSense.
This game has a lot of tabs you can access by pressing F1 to F9 but there are no hotkeys to navigate between them and having another 9+ actions to map is not ideal.
This is what I would want (beware shitty pseudocode):
Can it be done?
I'm making a Crusader Kings III config for my DualSense.
This game has a lot of tabs you can access by pressing F1 to F9 but there are no hotkeys to navigate between them and having another 9+ actions to map is not ideal.
This is what I would want (beware shitty pseudocode):
actions = [F1,...,F9] currentAction= 0 Next () { pressButton (actions [currentAction]) currentAction =+1 if currentAction > lenght(actions) then currentAction = 0 }