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  • Settings

    Hey all,

    I'm just wondering, in your experience with reWASD; what settings have had the most positive impact with aim assist? I have a few of my own. Just wanting to compare.

  • #2

    I don't really play FPS shooters, but I can say that all the camera control settings in the game and all the parameters from the Advanced mouse settings section, including the response curve, rather affect your personal feeling of controlling a mouse that emulates a virtual stick.
    The aim assist feature itself is written in the core of the game itself and, foremost, the main condition for its operation is the use of a controller, which actually reWASD allows you to emulate.


    • #3
      Originally Posted by 1ncorrect View Post

      I don't really play FPS shooters, but I can say that all the camera control settings in the game and all the parameters from the Advanced mouse settings section, including the response curve, rather affect your personal feeling of controlling a mouse that emulates a virtual stick.
      The aim assist feature itself is written in the core of the game itself and, foremost, the main condition for its operation is the use of a controller, which actually reWASD allows you to emulate.
      Thanks so much for the reply. Yes, I understand what you are saying. But for instance, keeping the default curve and noise at 4 while the deflection is set between 4 and 6k you can really see an increase in the "sticky" feeling of aim assist while tracking someone in an FPS game. Some smoothness ssettings work as well. While a custom curve in my experience makes it feel as there is no aim assist. So while it is a mechanic in the game itself, there are mechanics that can influence it from reWASD.


      • #4
        Hey there! Pretty interesting findings — from our side, those settings are implemented only to change the "feel" of mouse-to-stick emulation.

        Some of our customers stated that you may need a combo which rotates the stick slightly to increase the aim assist. This way the game sees that the stick is working at the moment. They add this combo to aim button. Not sure if it helps and how it works in different games, but you may want to try


        • #5
          Originally Posted by reWASDer View Post
          Hey there! Pretty interesting findings — from our side, those settings are implemented only to change the "feel" of mouse-to-stick emulation.

          Some of our customers stated that you may need a combo which rotates the stick slightly to increase the aim assist. This way the game sees that the stick is working at the moment. They add this combo to aim button. Not sure if it helps and how it works in different games, but you may want to try
          I believe I might have been one of the originals to try and implement such a mapping. With the current state of reWASD, it's impossible. I deem it impossible bc if you do add the mapping to the ADS button, you lose the ability to actually ADS. Unless you can live with turbo ADS; Which isn't ideal.


          • #6
            Could you please remind me how exactly you set it up? Just to be sure that I have no ideas about the fix.


            • #7
              the way it would have to be setup now is as follows

              hold until release
              L2(press) RS(up)pause(60)RS(left)pause(60)RS(down)pause(60)R S(right)pause(60)RS(up)pause(60) etc... and then tick on turbo.

              This works... but it also turbos aiming down sights instead of just holding the L2 trigger and executing the RS commands.


              • #8
                or a very long combo that is taxing on the rewasd UI and system


                • #9
                  In this case, a really long combo is needed. Otherwise, it is impossible.
                  We will consider what we can do about it.


                  • #10
                    Originally Posted by DougieDoug View Post
                    or a very long combo that is taxing on the rewasd UI and system

                    Since we have added Combos for Start and Release activators in reWASD 6.2, you can use Turbo for your stick moves (the combo should include sticks only, no need to add L2) and set L2 as a Hold until release combo with a small technical pause and map it to Start activator. This way, it will work as if it is emulated on the Single activator but together with the mapping you saved to it.

                    Click image for larger version  Name:	d18b009db1.png Views:	0 Size:	99.5 KB ID:	232154


                    • #11
                      Yes, eggsactly what i've wanted. Upon testing, it seems that absolute deflection doesn't actually trigger off properly or immediately, creating broken movement while turning while ads. Absolute is necessary in this situation bc i want the deflection to stop when movement is active at the slightest. relative would be nice to use, but it's unusable bc of the jumps in movement it adds.


                      • #12

                        Not sure if I understand what you mean by "jumps is adds". Could you please give me more details about it?

                        Relative deflections let you use the combo and being able to use the stick (mapped on the mouse) at the same time. I agree that this option should be better here.


                        • #13
                          using relative with the combo RS(right stick)up(9), RSleft, RSdown, RSright turbo 1, in some moments, it's like the movement of the stick is multiplied (*= currentController.rightStick.x)


                          • #14
                            Relative deflection works together with other controls that emulate the stick. So if you are moving at the moment, your will move and turn a bit with a combo. I got your point, this is what you want to avoid. Indeed, absolute deflection works better here.


                            • #15
                              thanks for your quick replies, you guys are awesome. keep up the great work team

