Hey there!
I hope I understood your setup properly, and here is what happens. When you press Click, you switch to the Shift Layer. When you release Click, you switch to the Main configuration, but your finger is still on the touchpad, and so we get an immediate "Tap" event that comes from the Main Layer. Even if you release the finger quickly, there is still a short time when Tap is active.
In order to fix it, you should use two Custom Jumps instead of one Hold Jump. This way, you will jump to Shift 1 using the click, but you need to go back with Tap release.
I am attaching a config with an example. Hope it will help in your case. Not sure which mapping you have on your Tap, so I've added just an ordinary "1" as an example.
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Repeated input after shifting back
Repeated input after shifting back
I'm using PS4 controller and have "tap" on the touchpad mapped and "click" on touchpad to jump to another configuration.
The input works very well but there's a problem when shifting back, the app always registers "tap" input one more time. I tried a few workaround such as shifting back only after releasing the "tap" (in another layer) but the main layer always register the tap input one more time.
Can I disable a mapped input for a short period of time right after a shift (to another layer)?
Please help.
Version: 6.1.1Tags: None
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