Adding an "empty" profile in Xbox app may be a bit trickly, so could you please send me the screenshots from that app, so I could ensure that everything is set up correctly?
It is important to apply the configs with unmapped paddles for all three slots your Elite has. In Xbox app, you will need to create three separate configs (or clone the one), because the GUI doesn't let you use the same configs on different slots as far as I remember.
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Xbox Elite 2 and keys issues...again
Xbox Elite 2 and keys issues...again
So I have search everywhere for a resolution and found it initially here, or so it seemed at first. I downgraded my controller to 4.8 or whatever, my back paddles are empty in the accessories app. I still cant get it to work, I applied it, I have set the exe files, and took off in case that was an issue. Nothing, I plug in my ps5 controller and bam it works, unplug and plug in elite 2, nothing, it takes it as if a controller is plugged in (uses gamepad scheme and not keyboard). I have gone to steam to take off the gamepad support or whatever it is so that steam won't interfere. Nothing, just absolutely nothing. Idk what I am missing or doing wrong. I will say the key binding I put for one of the back paddles works, but only because it is from a mod. What I mean is, I have a dodge mod for Skyrim which you can associate a key too and I picked a key not used in the game and it works, which is odd still. What doesn't work is mapping the buttons already used by the game. If Y is jump (space) I can't make A to become the jump buttonTags: None
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