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Gamecube trigger binds not working

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  • Gamecube trigger binds not working

    I'm trying to recreate a working XPadder setup in ReWASD so I don't have to switch between the two programs anymore, but I can't get the Gamecube's triggers to work. The trigger buttons (the click at the bottom), works, but the smooth portion of the trigger doesn't activate its binds.
    My old setup looks like this
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Image1.jpg
Views:	570
Size:	35.2 KB
ID:	232632
    and it works fine. Left trigger pull presses K and switches to (the xpadder equivalent of) Shift layer 1. When the trigger bottoms out and clicks, it fires another K. Right trigger holds Ctrl as long as it's held.
    My attempt to recreate this:
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Image12.jpg
Views:	342
Size:	62.5 KB
ID:	232634
    When left trigger clicks, I get a K, but none of the other stuff does anything. Am I doing something wrong?
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Not sure I understand correctly what you are trying to do here with those triggers. Left trigger should output [K] at slight and full press points? In reWASD, you could try using [Zone Mappings] for that: map low and high zones to the [K] key and adjust those zones to be big enough to work every time.

    For starters, please upload the [.rewasd] config file you are using. Right-click on its name at the top left corner of the app and select the [Open file location] option.


    • #3
      Yeah, if I set the trigger zones directly I can get them to do something, but as far as I can tell it's impossible to bind a layer Shift to a zone, so I can't get that part to work at all.
      The double K thing may be confusing, but don't worry about that, just in essence, NOTHING bound to the trigger directly works, only the trigger-click buttons do.

      I should also mention, if I apply the exact same config to a PS4 controller, it works 100% fine. It's only on the GC that it breaks. But I know the controller itself is fine, since it does work in Xpadder.

      Config attached.
      Attached Files


      • #4
        Instead of mapping Trigger's [Single Press] and Trigger-click to [K], you should try using the Zone mappings like this:

        Click image for larger version

Name:	2022-06-22_3-33-14.png
Views:	409
Size:	170.6 KB
ID:	232639

        I don't have this controller on me, so I am unable to test. Please try the config attached.
        Attached Files


        • #5
          Yeah that does work for the key presses, the bigger problem is that I can't bind shift mode settings in there.
          However, I have come up with a workaround that should be good enough for me. I got rid of using Shift 1 entirely and made the binds in it using Shortcuts instead. Shortcuts of L-Low + C-up, for example, work fine. I think there's still something buggy going on with GC in reWASD, but for my simple use, this workaround should suffice.


          • #6
            Oh right, forgot about the Shift. Setting the same [Zone mappings] for this trigger on the Shift 1 should complete the config.

