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Cannot use more than 3 directions on left analog stick

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  • Cannot use more than 3 directions on left analog stick

    I've been using a community configuration since few months (

    It was working perfectly. Then a made an update to REWASD, and even if the key "s" is binded to "Left stick down", I will not work.

    I tried to assigned it to an other key, still not working. But If I removed the assignment for W/A/D (Top/left/right left stick) then S/down left stick will work back. And basically, now I can only use 3 directions with left stick.

    I reinstalled rewasd, redownload the config, even tried other community configs, all my W/A/S/D keys are working, all directions on left joystick works, but even if I have 4 directions assigned, only 3 of the 4 will work.

    Any idea of what could of gone wrong?

  • #2
    This config does not have the [Left Stick Down] remapped to the [S] key and does not [Mute] the controller buttons. It means that if only 3 directions are working, then the game is set to accept keyboard and mouse inputs only or the game does not support the selected virtual controller (Xbox One in this config).

    So you should either add the [Left Stick Down] to [S] mapping and apply the config.
    Or apply the config and set your game to accept controller inputs. If the game allows you to select the controller, make sure to choose our virtual Xbox One.


    • #3
      This config does use S key
      Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	338
Size:	8.9 KB
ID:	235029
      It was working before the last update of rewasd​


      • #4
        I suppose I should explain the "A remapped to B" construction first: it means that when "A" is pressed, the "B" will be triggered, not otherwise.

        So while the [S] key is remapped to [Left Stick Down] in your config, the [Left Stick Down] is not remapped to [S], meaning that moving the [Left Stick Down] on a controller would not produce the [S] key, and thus would do nothing if the game is set to listen to keyboard and mouse only. Due to the [Mute] flag on the [S] key mapping on your screenshot, pressing the [S] key would produce the [Left Stick Down] action only, which will also do nothing if your game is set to listen to keyboard and mouse only.

        In other words, make sure your game is set to listen to the controller inputs only and reWASD`s virtual controller is the only one visible to the system (listed in [joy.cpl] tool). You can hide your physical controller by adding it to your keyboard and mouse group and applying the config to it.


        • #5
          Hum sorry, I did not explain my self clearly.

          I use my keyboard/mouse to emulate an Xbox controler. So when I press S, I want the virtual controler to use the left stick and aim down. I don't have a physical controller connected to my computer.
          The game does get the controller and is set to the controller. I even tried on a gamepad tester online:
          Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	358
Size:	78.7 KB
ID:	235033

          All remapping W/A/S/D are configured as muted and to the left stick and different directions​


          • #6
            You should try importing and using the config from your first post again, as it is working properly.

            Click image for larger version

Name:	2023-01-03_23-38-43.png
Views:	430
Size:	86.0 KB
ID:	235038

            Just in case, I suggest using the [Clear data] button at [Preferences > General].

            If neither would help, then try checking whenever your [S] key is working properly and is not remapped to anything else by any other remapper (native or Steam).


            • #7
              Cleared data did the trick! Thank you!

