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Shift Mode [Hold] only available on Main Layer?

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  • Shift Mode [Hold] only available on Main Layer?

    Is there a reason Shift Mode [Hold] are only available on Main Layer? I really would like to use it in other Shift Layers.

  • #2
    The Hold mode of a Shift jump action is technically two mappings:
    • one on a [Start Press] activator of a button in the source layer;
    • and another on a [Release Press] activator of the same button on the target layer.
    So if you want to have, let's say, the [Y] key to switch to layer 4 from layer 2 in Hold mode, you should set its [Start Press] activator on layer 2 as a Shift jump to layer 4 in [Custom] mode, and its [Release Press] activator on layer 4 as a Shift jump to layer 2 in [Custom] mode.

    You can read more about activators here.


    • #3
      Thanks for the info ... very useful information on [Release Press] shifting back

      Though i have a small problem for my use case ... I have more than one layer jump to special layer (that special layer is gyro aiming) ... and I need to jump back to the layer that initiated this

      For example: Layer 0 and Layer 1 can jump to Layer 3 with the same button ... if I jump to Layer 3 from Layer 1, I need to come back to Layer 1 on [Release Press]

      Is it possible to add, to [Jump to Layer] an option "Last active Layer"... how will that impact latency


      • #4
        Hi. When you move from one shift layer to another, you will be returned to the last active shift layer.

        For example: if you switch from shift layer 1 to shift layer 2 and then to 3, after exiting shift layer 3, you will be returned to shift layer 2.​


        • #5
          Originally Posted by tij View Post
          Thanks for the info ... very useful information on [Release Press] shifting back

          Though i have a small problem for my use case ... I have more than one layer jump to special layer (that special layer is gyro aiming) ... and I need to jump back to the layer that initiated this

          For example: Layer 0 and Layer 1 can jump to Layer 3 with the same button ... if I jump to Layer 3 from Layer 1, I need to come back to Layer 1 on [Release Press]

          Is it possible to add, to [Jump to Layer] an option "Last active Layer"... how will that impact latency
          Did you ever figure out a way to do this? I have the same setup as you with one main layer, one gyro layer, and a hold-to-activate layer that I want to have access to in my first two layers. It's not quite what strokel is describing because I don't think either of us are trying to go from layer 1 to layer 2 to layer 3, but rather layer 1 to layer 3 or layer 2 to layer 3 using the same button.

          Getting rid of the gyro layer and mapping a button to toggle gyro won't work because my gyro layer has both gyro and stick mouse.​


          • #6
            Same boat here. I'm also toggling 3 layers in multiple directions, and I initially though a "Last Active Layer" option for "Jump to Layer" was the appropriate solution, but now I'm thinking maybe the problem is that you cannot select "Hold Mode" under Shift Mode from more than 1 layer, if the target layer is the same. It does get a little complicated the more I think about it, but I'll try to provide more context with my particular use case, and what a potential solution might look like.

            Here is my current set up, which I'm working on for the game 'Ready Or Not'.
            • Layer 1 is regular controls, AKA Main Layer.
            • Layer 2 is ADS mode, which has lower mouse sensitivity and Gyro turned on for precise aiming.
              • When I let go of Layer 2 (Release ADS button), it automatically jumps back to Layer 1.
              • Jump to Layer "Hold Mode" used for jumping back and forth between Layer 1 and Layer 2
            • Layer 3 is my 'Command Menu' layer, in which controls are changed for better functionality with in-game Command Menu
              • Jump to Layer 3 "Custom Mode" with same Activator is used from both Layer 1 & Layer 2
              • 'Long Press' Activator to Jump to Layer 3 / Release Press Activator to Jump Back to Layer 2

            Click image for larger version

Name:	2023-11-12-no-99.png
Views:	353
Size:	53.5 KB
ID:	239946
            Image #1: Shift Mode back and forth between Layer 1 and Layer 2

            Click image for larger version

Name:	2023-11-12-no-101.png
Views:	264
Size:	67.7 KB
ID:	239947
            Image #2: Shift mode to Layer 3 from Layer 1. Duplicated settings for Layer 2.

            *Note that 'Custom Mode' has to be selected because 'Hold Mode' to target Layer 3 cannot be used from both Layer 1 and Layer 2 simultaneously.*

            Click image for larger version

Name:	2023-11-12-no-103.png
Views:	326
Size:	39.7 KB
ID:	239948

            Image #3: Current use of Shift Mode from Layer 3 back to Layer 2.

            When I 'Release Press' the Shift Mode Activator on Layer 3, it will revert to Layer 2 without issue, while aiming. This keeps Gyro On and aiming sensitivity lower, which is exactly what I want it to do while I am aiming. However, if I am NOT holding ADS button when exiting Layer 3, the only option is to still get stuck inside Layer 2. Even though Gyro is tied to ADS button, and therefore only gets activated when I want it to (during ADS), I end up getting stuck with the slower aiming sensitivity from Layer 2 until I tap ADS button again; so that it knows to shift back to Layer 1.

            This makes going from Layer 3 back to Layer 1 a bit cumbersome because:
            • There'​s no direct way to do this while ALSO maintaining the ability to switch from Layer 3 back to Layer 2 when appropriate.

            Note that if I try the same configuration, but instead change 'Release Press' on Layer 3 to shift back to Layer 1 instead, it always breaks ADS for some reason. So even if I am still holding ADS button when exiting Layer 3, my gun returns to hip fire position and I have to activate ADS again. I'm not exactly sure why, which is part of the reason I decided to return to Layer 2. This means I'm unable to get back to Layer 2, unless I release ADS and activate again. Separate issue, but thought worth noting.

            It sounds like we essentially want the ability to use the same Shift Mode Activator toggle 1 specific Layer from different multiple layers, simultaneously.

            • Layer 1 to Layer 3, and back to Layer 1
            • Layer 2 to Layer 3, and back toLayer 2
            In theory, this should make juggling the 3 (or more) Layers more seamless, since it wouldn't have to follow 1 specific direction. There seems to be a need for this kind of directional flexibility between layers, based on our experiences in this thread. I know that's a lot to consider, and there may be some hidden conflicts or complications within an idea like this; but I hope all the info and examples I provided help shed some light on an area of reWASD that could be further enhanced. Happy to provide more info on my config or share it if that's helpful.

            In any case, I appreciate all the support and communication you guys offer!

