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Getting profile LED settings on Dualsense to override default app LED settings

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  • Getting profile LED settings on Dualsense to override default app LED settings

    Hello again! I read over the LED Settings document, and what it describes is unfortunately not what is happening on my end. From this morning's rather curious loop of experimentation, I cannot figure out how to get the player-defined profile controls to actually override the default app settings like the documentation says they are supposed to. To test this I've set a default general use profile that is otherwise working fine, with a specific LED setting for each of the two included layers. I've set the "Enable LED when controller is connected" under "Common LED" settings to Checked, and defined a default of a solid blue glow. I've checked both "Enable LED" and "Prevent other apps" as well.

    When I connect the controller and enable the profile, either nothing happens at all, or the default blue solid comes on. It's seemingly random, and the behaviour does not reliably repeat upon sequential reconnects. If I go into the profile itself and change a LED setting there, then Save and Apply to Slot 1, it might suddenly take effect. The shift layer LED never comes on though. And if I make a second LED change, then Save and Apply, it either kills the LED entirely, or reverts to the default solid blue glow.

    I've tried using all three of the active "Turn Player LED on when" settings, tried with and without both the "Enable LED when connected" box and loop options checked. I've re-read the docs again, and I'm just not getting it right. Additionally, I'm somewhat confused on some of the options and what they do, such as:
    • What does "Enable LED when controller is connected​" actually do? Does it mean "connected" as in "when the plug is first connected" or is it connected as in "as long as the plug remains connected?" Does "connected" in this case mean the act of connecting, or the state of "being connected?"
    • What does "loop" do when applied to something that reasonably would be a constant, like Solid Glow? If loop is not checked, does that mean the LEDs just do their pattern once and then turn off?
    • What is the relationship and override order between Common LED "when controller is connected" (and its defined color), the colors in "Common LED (remap)," and the settings in the individual profile?
    • What is a "Player LED" exactly? What differentiates is from the other LED settings? And what does "turn Player LED on when" actually do?
    Is there a sweet spot of settings that will make it so my profile-defined, layer-specific LED config reliably activates upon use? Or is the Dualsense LED just that finnicky and unreliable, and am I going down a known road of suffering and defeat?

    Thanks for your time and input!

  • #2
    Hello! Here are some answers to your questions:

    What does "Enable LED when controller is connected​" actually do? Does it mean "connected" as in "when the plug is first connected" or is it connected as in "as long as the plug remains connected?" Does "connected" in this case mean the act of connecting or the state of "being connected?"
    A: This setting defines how the controller LED looks like when it is connected to the PC(so it can be detected and used by the system or reWASD)

    What does "loop" do when applied to something that reasonably would be a constant, like Solid Glow? If loop is not checked, does that mean the LEDs just do their pattern once and then turn off?
    A: Yes, when the LED setting is not looped, it only works for a couple of seconds(you can see it at battery-level LED notification). And yes, if you turn on looping for battery-level LED notifications, they become a constant pattern until the battery level changes.

    What is the relationship and override order between Common LED "when controller is connected" (and its defined color), the colors in "Common LED (remap)," and the settings in the individual profile?
    A: Common LED "when the battery is critical">Common LED "when the battery is low">Config settings>Common LED (remap)>Common LED "when a controller is connected"

    What is a "Player LED" exactly? What differentiates it from the other LED settings? And what does "turn Player LED on when" actually do?
    A: Player LED, is a white dots-like LED under DualSense Touchpad, from 0 to 4 dots can be lighted at once.
    Their initial purpose is to indicate which player corresponds to this controller. It's used in order to avoid confusion when several controllers are connected to one device at a time(if this function is provided by the game).
    The main difference is - they can be only white and have only "solid" LED mode. "turn Player LED on when" define when these dots glow and how many. Here are some examples:
    • Turn Player LED on when controller is connected: here you can set how many Player LEDs will glow when a controller is connected to the PC;
    • Turn Player LED on when dedicated slot is active: if slot 1 is active, you will see one dot. If slot 4 is active - then 4 dots will glow;
    Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	371
Size:	8.7 KB
ID:	238027​​
    • Turn Player LED on when main or shift layer is active: define how many dots will glow depending on which shift layer you are now. Main layer 0 dots, shift layer 4 - 4 dots.

    Note: only one "turn Player LED on when"​ rule work at the time.

    I hope these answers help you understand LED settings deeply.
    About incorrect work of LED settings:

    I tested it on my side(tested on DualSense controller exactly) and can confidently say that everything works as it should. Probably some third-party software interferes with reWASD LED settings.


    • #3
      Originally Posted by Gogeba View Post
      Hello! Here are some answers to your questions:
      Thank you for the detailed response! I have some follow-ups:

      Originally Posted by Gogeba View Post
      ​A: Common LED "when the battery is critical">Common LED "when the battery is low">Config settings>Common LED (remap)>Common LED "when a controller is connected"
      Where does the specific Profile sit in this chain? Shouldn't profile be > all of that? At lease the docs mention the profile overrides, but does anything override the Profile instead? Or is the Profile the "config settings" in this chain?

      Originally Posted by Gogeba View Post
      ​A: Player LED, is a white dots-like LED under DualSense Touchpad, from 0 to 4 dots can be lighted at once.
      Their initial purpose is to indicate which player corresponds to this controller. It's used in order to avoid confusion when several controllers are connected to one device at a time(if this function is provided by the game).
      AH! Thanks, that makes total sense.

      Originally Posted by Gogeba View Post
      I tested it on my side(tested on DualSense controller exactly) and can confidently say that everything works as it should. Probably some third-party software interferes with reWASD LED settings.
      I can't think of anything that would be interfering, so I'm assuming that I just have things misconfigured. Can you share your App Settings setup with me so I can replicate them? I am specifically using the Dualsense Edge in this case, so maybe there's some implementation difference there...


      • #4
        In the profile settings, you configure the LEDs for the enabled remap state (for all Shift layers). And these LED settings overwrite the settings for the remap and layers from .


        • #5
          Where does the specific Profile sit in this chain? Shouldn't profile be > all of that? At lease the docs mention the profile overrides, but does anything override the Profile instead? Or is the Profile the "config settings" in this chain?
          A: specific Profile=Config settings

          Can you share your App Settings setup with me so I can replicate them?
          A: I will attach my settings, but they are pretty ordinary.

          Maybe LED doesn't work correctly because you have exactly Dualsense EDGE, but I don't have any proof of that(I use ordinary Dualsense).
          Attached Files

