Hello there! I purchased the program just a few hours ago and tested it, and everything worked fine initially for a few hours. However, as the title suggests, I've encountered an issue with my mouse not being able to look around, aim, shoot, nothing work in the game (Apex). The keyboard functions work fine, but the mouse doesn't respond. I attempted to resolve the issue using various troubleshooting methods, but unfortunately, none of them were successful. I also conducted tests on joy.cpl and gamepad, and both worked perfectly.
1) Re-initializing both my keyboard and mouse numerous times.
2) Clearing the data via preferences.
3) Uninstalling and reinstalling reWASD.
4). Tried different cfg files but doesnt work
I have attached all relevant screenshots of my configuration to this post
vortex1M.APEX.cfg key bindings (rewasd.com)
1) Re-initializing both my keyboard and mouse numerous times.
2) Clearing the data via preferences.
3) Uninstalling and reinstalling reWASD.
4). Tried different cfg files but doesnt work
I have attached all relevant screenshots of my configuration to this post