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Xbox X|S Mapping Issues with Zero Hour.

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  • Xbox X|S Mapping Issues with Zero Hour.

    Hi Everyone

    Trying to play Zero Hour using my Xbox X|S Controller.
    Zero Hour explicitly states that this game does not support controllers, so just to put that out there up-front.
    Steam Input is disabled, as is Steam controller support everywhere I can find.
    Zero Hour in-game keybinds are all default (with 2 exceptions)

    When I lean left on the controller (Left Bumper mapped to Q), I lean AND switch to my secondary weapon
    When I equip my flashlight (Dpad-Down mapped to T), it turns flashlight on AND I go prone (B-hold mapped to L-CTRL)
    When I shout compliance (R-Thumpstick Press mapped to X), he does a melee first (Menu button mapped to V), THEN shouts
    When I bring up the squad command menu, the menu closes immediately and I can't interact with it​eanle I lean AND switch to my handgun When I equip my flashlight, it turns on AND I go prone When I shout compliance, he does a melee first, THEN shouts When I bring up the squad command menu, the u closes immediately and I can't interact with it

    I've attached the screenshots of the in-game controls, as well as the corresponding mapping in reWASD.
    Also, evidence that Steam Input is in-fact disabled for Zero Hour.

    I'm sure I've overlooked something, and I'm sure this will end up being a user-error of some sort, but for the life of me, I'm left scratching my head on this one.
    Game, reWASD and entire desktop have been restarted numerous times, Windows is up to date as of January patch Tuesday, and all drivers /BIOS are up to date.

    Also worth noting, if this does spark a thought for the general community or devs: This game used Denuvo anti-cheat. Not sure if perhaps it's detecting reWASD as cheat-ware, and doing something in the background to screw with me. Just a thought i figured may be helpful to mention.

    Thanks in advance!

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Zero Hour Keybinds 1.png
Views:	587
Size:	510.3 KB
ID:	241432 Click image for larger version

Name:	Zero Hour Keybinds 2.png
Views:	334
Size:	517.7 KB
ID:	241433
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Zero Hour Keybinds 3.png
Views:	298
Size:	540.8 KB
ID:	241434​

    reWASD Game Configuration
    Click image for larger version

Name:	GameGear-2024-01-23 11 00 45.png
Views:	299
Size:	616.7 KB
ID:	241435​

  • #2

    1. Check input from your config here:
    2. Send me the config you are using.
    Your configs are stored here: C:\Users\Public\Documents\reWASD\Profiles
    I need the correspondent *.rewasd file.

