So I am playing Fallout 4 on Steam with an xbox elite 2. For over a year I had successfully remapped the bumpers to key stroke K and L no issues worked fine. Had to take a 3 month hiatus and came back and suddenly the bumper buttons are still functioning as "K" and "L" but they're also acting as the default bumper buttons at the same time (example "Keyboard K" and "Y Button"). Latest firmware for xbox controller and latest REWASD. I've google searched and plugged in the top few answers to see if I could resolve it such as rolling back firmware and muting the . I've done some testing and outside of fallout the bumpers work as "K" and "L" like in a word document but as soon as I'm back in game they pick up the original bind too and I can not figure it out. I screen grabbed the bindings below as I believe they are correct, with the muted native behavior. Any suggestions are appreciated! Will provide more information as needed as I'm sure I missed something. Thank you!
So I am playing Fallout 4 on Steam with an xbox elite 2. For over a year I had successfully remapped the bumpers to key stroke K and L no issues worked fine. Had to take a 3 month hiatus and came back and suddenly the bumper buttons are still functioning as "K" and "L" but they're also acting as the default bumper buttons at the same time (example "Keyboard K" and "Y Button"). Latest firmware for xbox controller and latest REWASD. I've google searched and plugged in the top few answers to see if I could resolve it such as rolling back firmware and muting the . I've done some testing and outside of fallout the bumpers work as "K" and "L" like in a word document but as soon as I'm back in game they pick up the original bind too and I can not figure it out. I screen grabbed the bindings below as I believe they are correct, with the muted native behavior. Any suggestions are appreciated! Will provide more information as needed as I'm sure I missed something. Thank you!